Example sentences of "[be] [det] day " in BNC.

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1 Later , much later , Kelly was to reflect on how lucky she had been that day .
2 It must have been that day or the next , Adam thought , that he or one of them , surely he , had first suggested the commune idea .
3 An uncommonly good lunch it must have been that day .
4 It 's same as , what ow she 's gone into hospital with her , you know , and I 'd actually been that day , you know what I mean , I do n't mind , do n't get me wrong , I 'm not cross , 'cos I do n't mind .
5 It 's been another day of unwanted exposure for the Duchess of York with yet more holiday snaps emblazoned across the tabloids .
6 It 's been some day . ’
7 At a temperature of 73–74°F John 's fish 's eggs hatch in about 2½–3 days , but the fry are another day or so before becoming free-swimming .
8 You 're all day inside in school .
9 Laugh , we are all day laughing , you see , look at his face — a laugh , a smile — ‘
10 Pulling the tabs on the thermal cans to heat up the food , she glanced over at him but he was exactly as he 'd been all day , close yet remote , unreachable .
11 It was n't , it definitely was n't the tablets because i if , if it had done that to you , it would have been all day .
12 ‘ Where have you been all day ? ’
13 If I could have any day of my life over again , at the price of my right arm , it would be that day !
14 The sun was growing very hot , and the pool was the only place to be that day .
15 One night out would n't hurt me , and tomorrow would be another day .
16 But there would not be another day .
17 ‘ I do n't think either of us will forget tonight , ’ he said , ‘ but it will be another day tomorrow and we 've got to decide how we 're going to behave .
18 Tomorrow would be another day , and she would make damned sure that she would get it off on the right footing .
19 I 'd planned on taking you to Malvern to meet my family , but , it 'll have to be another day .
20 ‘ Good thing it 's Curtius , ’ Magda said , ‘ if'n he blows his brains out , at least we wo n't be all day scraping them off the floor .
21 You going to be all day ?
22 But if you went in the horse box on your single you 'd be all day getting there .
23 Do n't be all day up there .
24 I , I 've just suggested Wednesday , it could be any day now
25 as if it were any day .
26 KENNETH BAKER 'S brave vision of Agincourt is each day looking more like an avant-garde film version of the Little Big Horn .
27 That 's when I thought of the mud wagon , the light spring coach Mr. Mendez and I had taken to Delgado 's that day .
28 Erm wha what 's that day th it does n't really matter .
29 Noreen felt much the same so it was with great relief that for the New York engagement they could at least travel in from Queen 's each day and sleep in their own beds at night .
30 For Dorothy is still not in focus , and one begins to think that she never will be , even if the correspondence of the Pounds ' later years is some day published .
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