Example sentences of "[be] [prep] give " in BNC.

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1 However a word of warning : good as these books are for giving you techniques to help you remember strings of unrelated facts , numbers or words , they do not in any way show you how to train your memory to remember other facts in a different context .
2 And after a meeting of the club 's directors yesterday , Rovers vice-chairman Geoff Dunford revealed : ‘ We are very pleased with the job Malcolm is doing and we are considering giving him the job until the end of the season . ’
3 Driving licences , in particular , are like giving someone a cheque book .
4 For her , the only supreme sacrifice would have been in giving up her husband .
5 Wheeler did not add that for a man whose chief pleasure in the past seemed to have been in giving other people orders , a falling off of that activity boded ill .
6 Given the clear-sightedness of his book , and the proximity of the National Theatre to the Palace of Westminster , you can not help feeling that it might be worth giving Mr Eyre a chance as well .
7 It might be worth giving him a bell to let him know what 's happening cos
8 Oh it might be worth giving Nige a ring .
9 If democracy is about government by the people for the people , then it can not be about giving a bunch of politicians a blank cheque to govern us every five years .
10 The more sensitive we are to the possible stigmatising consequences of charity , the less motivation there will be for giving .
11 The phrase " factory system " was already entering the language when , in 1807 , Davies Gilbert MP , a distinguished scientist , declared : However specious in theory the project might be of giving education to the labouring classes of the poor , it would in effect be prejudicial to their morals and happiness : it would teach them to despise their lot in life , instead of making them good servants to agriculture and other laborious employments to which their rank in society had destined them ; instead of teaching them subordination , it would render them factious and refractory , as was evident in the manufacturing counties .
12 Quite what it would be like to give up material bodies I shall not consider .
13 Lying awake at night and listening to the moaning of the wind and the howling of the dogs , she tried to imagine what it could possibly be like to give herself to her cousin , a man nearly ten years older than herself .
14 But , then again , it does do a good thing , and I would n't be against giving them some support ,
15 Well I , I do n't know how keen they are on giving them out , just .
16 They do have considerable advantages though , and it 's worth giving them a try to see if they suit you .
17 It 's not desperately moist , although certainly one of them is cracking quite a bit , and if that helps to dry it up and make it more comfortable then it 's worth giving them a soak ten minutes a day .
18 It 's worth giving some thought to the retrieve .
19 Although fallacious , it is worth giving in more detail .
20 It is worth giving it a detailed treatment .
21 Before we go on to explore these pattern types , it is worth giving a thought to the reason why I have concentrated only on slip , knit and tuck stitch types so far .
22 If you are in the happy position of being able to plan your kitchen from scratch , rather than attempting to revamp existing layouts and equipment , it is worth giving the matter considerable thought .
23 Whatever the shape of your kitchen , it is worth giving some attention to the decoration and accessories to create a distinctive style .
24 Normally we heat it first and add biscuit so that the dogs have a warm , mixed meal , but tonight Odd-Knut is considering giving it to them frozen to save time .
25 It has attempted to climb above the condom in the fresher 's priorities list and announced that it is considering giving students a significant voice in the pay rises of their lecturers .
26 ROBBIE REGAN , the new European flyweight champion , is considering giving up his British 8st title because of the lack of real challengers , Dai Gardiner , his manager , explained : ‘ I understand the Board of Control are nominating Francis Ampofo of London and Scotsman James Drummond as contenders .
27 It also declared its own political position in a thirty-nine page charter which stated : ‘ Initiatives , peace proposals and international conferences to solve the Palestine problem run counter to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement , since giving up part of Palestine is like giving up part of our religion . ’
28 It is like giving a trainee taxi driver a sample list of street names , and nothing more .
29 Following it for a while is like giving myself a good spring clean . ’
30 Pauline Kael admitted in The New Yorker that , ‘ reviewing this perfect nothing of a movie is rather degrading : it 's like giving consumer hints on the latest expensive worthless gift for the person who has everything ’ .
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