Example sentences of "[be] [unc] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 We are spe we are we 're re-lining re-lining four thousand one hundred miles of mains .
2 Er can I er I I started to comment on about the er er bank accounts and which are y you know er my the reaction that I saw was all round the table er I think we would go further but er any company handling pension funds should carry pensions somewhere in their names on all on all their paperwork etcetera so that everybody 's totally clear that they are dealing with pension funds and er er to agree with a comment that you made in one of your earlier reports that er designation of bonus of shares of pension funds should be clearly er marked on those shares er that also would have a at least alerted these financial institutions as once again that they were handling stocks belonging to pension funds and they still ignored it in that that w case that they did , but er they would have not had the excuse that er apparently some of them have made that er they were not aware that these were pension fund assets .
3 So are y I do n't think we actually established , are , are you erm are you unemployed ?
4 Yes I do but are y I 'm sorry I 'm not clear as to whether you are suggesting that there should be policy upper case criteria and some non policy lower case criteria .
5 He said , how are y he said the wiring on this , he said if you plug this in , he said ho , you 'd electrocute yourself !
6 I mean the strain on families must be enormous in a strike situation and for both people in the family to be having an input and feeling that they 're getting some sort of feedback from the situation that it 's not just despair must surely you know be you know there 's that side to it and then erm from the women 's point of view I mean we have like I said become one big family in a way you know and the social side of the strike in a way you know people are sa you know going out more maybe and certainly
7 I did n't even write , I was afraid to , co I 've , I 've been inv I 'm involved in so many other things I do n't want to get involved in anything else .
8 they 'd been ca they 'd been called so many times you know when he was low .
9 And s and that 's really the main reason why this new sector has been brought up , it 's been ca it 's called first call
10 It 's out of date in certain areas , there are cer We 'd never you see what we did we knocked up a rough copy .
11 It 's your tablets are o you know , working yet ?
12 Erm it 's been er it 's been suggested as well that in some extent it reflects the religious revival in Europe that that that that was taking place .
13 you see it was er er er it could have been er it could have been er better done , but er , we got by , we got by .
14 That has I mean most of the welfare state has been er it 'll either created or extended by Conservative government so
15 Now it must have been er it was during the war .
16 I I must say I 've also been er you know very very impressed and er learnt quite a lot just attending these courses that you 've you 've got running here .
17 Why do you think it is that erm that the reputation of the flats has been er I suppose gone off and I mean early on back in the early seventies , erm the flats were quite an attractive place to come to , it was n't even that easy to get on the flats .
18 But one time er I 'd been er I were wounded and I 'd come out of er they bring you to casual clearly stations , thousands got into one I in this ward er tents and best way they could you know and nurses there and all .
19 However , the report identifies a number of areas that need to be addressed in more detail as a result we are recommendatin it , recommending that a major consultation exercise be d be conducted this year to ensure that the many ideas that people have to improve our Health , Safety and Environment Service are considered .
20 alright , yeah I am o I mean I 'm not alright , I feel very dizzy , like I say I feel I feel a bit kind of heady you know but I will go and have a check up .
21 Er they are er they will be er very well treated , they will be offered the same er facilities as the guerillas have or even better fa better better treatment in some cases .
22 The Asian womens er , women are er they differ a lot in every way to the Western erm female .
23 the members who are members of the branches are prepared to fight , but it 's not them I 'm er I 'm the other people who are er they 're gaining from our fight , they 're gaining from our fight .
24 And all the , all they are er they constantly get done up for beating people up in pubs .
25 So the figures for migration are not necessarily purely migration figures and we are er we do n't dispute the length of the trend to take the ten years .
26 Well we have production course you have made your appointment to see Mr and Mrs who are existing clients of , you will now conduct the first appointment starting with greeting and appropriate sociability which is the first part of step one , through to producing the C C Q and then further copy pages two and four of the attached C C Q in your booklet , so two and four are er we 've got four and two , the personal details and may be the wrong way round there , so it 's advisable to say you complete the first part of it , page two and then the employment details okay , so you doing a little bit of exploring there so if you like you can be doing all of step one and a little bit of step two , buying in this particular role playing .
27 really answer the first part of the Noble Lord 's question by saying that er er it is a question of future cost , er we are er we are already spending a great deal of money on the first part er of this er library and er we will have to examine the future cost very carefully and I put it to you to the Noble Lord that it would be a really sad reflection where the field of creative endeavour in which this country is m has most excelled over the centuries , in other words literature to have no single focus for celebration , preservation and active use , it really is er very important that this library continues , but may I remind Your Lordships also that we 're not talking about the s the library in this question , we 're talking about the u the site at present used by the builders .
28 So I give him one here you are er I says you can have it .
29 And er finally on er on our debate earlier on , a lot of callers tonight are er I would say quite justifiably angry about the language used in an earlier debate , the earlier drugs debate by Vernon .
30 But it , is n't it an awful situation when you , when you , when you look at it that evidence indicates that the erm the number of people that are either now elderly infirm or sick and and clearly that they all will have to face this , this , this terrible burden and I can not understand because there is , this , there is , there is er a total disarray within the Conservative party , that all their er er back bench er MP s are making representations to their erm their leader who possibly may not be a leader tomorrow but as long as he 's the leader today , John Major that he should do a rethink and here they are er you know , members of the same party , continuing to support something which is so idiosyncratic that you know it 's really beyond belief , er Chairman .
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