Example sentences of "[be] [adj] it " in BNC.

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1 If that relationship is wrong you get a muddy tartan , if the mixtures are right it works very well . ’
2 And when rent reviews are due it can be almost impossible to assess what tenants should be paying .
3 However , if the winds are strong it is better left till last until the flysheet is pegged out .
4 If you catch toxoplasmosis while you are pregnant it can seriously affect the health of your unborn baby .
5 I mean , you think you give birth and you 're forgotten , I mean your health visitor visits your baby , and then you 've got the baby blues , and we we are trying to do something to get them to help and warn people about when they are pregnant it can happen because it does start then , not after you 've had the baby , it builds up and them wham , it hits you !
6 I am sorry it took place but I promise you it would be wisest to go home and forget it . ’
7 I am sorry it has taken so long to send you a copy and return your slides .
8 She found another bathroom , which was important , because the champagne was acting on her stomach just as she 'd been afraid it would .
9 Where sickness rates are high it might be in both employers ' and employees ' interests for the company to introduce private health cover , where swift treatment may mean an earlier return to work .
10 If the potential rewards are high it is worth pursuing , but knowing when to stop is not easy , and formalized methods of planning are not always easy to apply .
11 The venture — to spotlight National Housing Week — was such a success that hopes are high it will develop into an annual competition .
12 If we are sensible it ought to be against San Marino in February . ’
13 so in the end I said to him look we 've so really it could have perhaps done with , I suppose if we 'd been sensible it could , because it needed , the gas fire needs to come out , it does need a lot of , still really needs a lot of things doing to it .
14 If afternoon winds are light it 's fun to cruise along this spit visiting the beaches and anchorages along the north shore .
15 Something has to break : you are afraid it is you
16 The Edinburgh Review ( Oct. 1807 ) was openly abusive : ‘ If the printing of such trash as this be not felt as an insult on the public taste , we are afraid it can not be insulted . ’
17 I mean it could have been different it could have got out of control and then everybody would have turned and pointed a finger and that would have been awful .
18 I am afraid it was because he did not want to get entangled with the left on such an emotional issue . ’
19 I am afraid it is the latter rather than the former .
20 But I am afraid it would require a deeper understanding of the chemistry of proteins than I possess to explain how the energy of the ATP is harnessed to the active transport of salts and other substances .
21 I am afraid it has met with a cool response from our colleagues , and in view of this , I am sorry to say that we will not be taking up your offer to publish .
22 I am afraid it is tough ( at least at the beginning ) , as are all restricted diets , but I promise you , it does work !
23 Request : Joan Hammell , his secretary , wrote to say : ‘ I am afraid it is not going to prove possible for Mr Kinnock to make a contribution as much as he would love to .
24 It is a place of calm and classical beauty : I am afraid it is exactly the sort of place for which one must long most desperately when out of Greece .
25 ‘ I am afraid it will not be a very happy Christmas for you but you will not lose your job , ’ said the judge .
26 ‘ I am afraid it was .
27 A There are a lot of Tanganyikan cichlids you can keep in your tank , but I am afraid it is only large enough for you to keep a pair of a single species .
28 The British-born star said yesterday : ‘ I am afraid it has come back .
29 We did what we could to help him but I am afraid it was little enough .
30 A. If your Temporales are still about the same size they I am afraid it is extremely likely that you have two of the same sex , as size is a major sexual difference in this species , with males around 50 per cent bigger in all directions than females .
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