Example sentences of "[be] [adj] had " in BNC.

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1 Kim pulled T'ai Cho down , then scrambled back , feeling the convected warmth of the gun 's discharge in the air , accompanied by a sharp , sweet scent that might almost have been pleasant had it not signalled something so deadly .
2 Although Blake may have given the impression to the prison authorities that he had accepted his sentence and settled down to serve it ( it would surely have been odd had he done otherwise ) , in reality neither he nor the KGB had any intention of him remaining in prison a day longer than necessary .
3 Nearly all the readings of the printed version are either musically superior to those in the theatre score , or result from octave transposition — necessary at one point to avoid an unplayable bottom B' B♭ occasioned by downward transposition from G to F. ( A change would have been unnecessary had the transposition gone the other way . )
4 The other English Duke in Brussels , Wellington , would have been grateful had he known that Richmond had spared him the Duchess 's worries , for the Commander-in-Chief of the British and Dutch armies already had more than enough worries of his own .
5 The serious losses suffered by the party in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in 1989 were repeated on a larger scale , and the rout might have been complete had not the assassination of Gandhi reduced the anti-Congress ( I ) swing in the June polling .
6 Although their detection might have been easier had you thought to bring a photograph of your sister with you , ’ he rebuked her softly .
7 Would the outcome have been different had he acknowledged to himself what he was doing ? he wrote .
8 It might all have been different had Gooch clung on to either of the two catches Nigel Briers offered him on 26 and 61 .
9 Although the matter was not explored further in evidence , I should be very surprised if the decision to bring these proceedings would have been different had the plaintiff 's attention been drawn formally to its powers under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 .
10 The situation might or might not have been different had other ports come out resolutely in favour of the London men .
11 It might have been different had Charlotte been able to claim any success for her American trip .
12 Perhaps the most extraordinary of all the peculiar things that the Chancellor has said during his period in office was his comment on , I believe , 8 January : ’ the policy would not have been different had we known the outcome ’ .
13 Now we have their final assurance that things ’ would not have been different had we known the outcome . ’
14 ‘ We concluded that the outcome may well have been different had a different path of management been taken , ’ he said .
15 Lord of The Flies Critical Essay : Would it have been different had girls been on the island ?
16 The subject of whether or not the situation in Golding 's ‘ Lord of the Flies ’ would have been different had girls been on the island is very difficult to reach a decision on and depends on many things .
17 You can spot the modern first edition collector : it is he who sifts assiduously through a pile of the new Martin Amis searching for the copy whose corner is not bumped , only to reject it because the alignment of the dust-wrapper ( not jacket ) on the spine is very slightly askew — but he does n't want that copy either because of the biro indentation on the lamination , and the nineteenth copy would have been OK had the rear cover not been soiled .
18 In 1983 another massive crop occurred — this was again met with joy , although the Champenois would certainly have been dismayed had 1984 turned out to be the third consecutive bumper year .
19 And I suppose it might have been serious had I been at Low Birk Hatt on my own with no help when that virus struck me down .
20 Oh you 're lucky had you had a row ?
21 The extreme snobbery of this abstruse observation would have been rude had it been clear , for Lydia knew perfectly well that the Molesworths were the sort of people who picnicked in lay-bys , bringing little chairs and tables and using the car boot as a sort of sideboard .
22 Given the size of Hitler 's following and the level of confidence in his leadership which his ‘ achievements ’ and the outpourings of propaganda had built up , it would have been remarkable had the ‘ Hitler myth ’ collapsed completely overnight .
23 Sankey ( the Lord Chancellor ) and J. H. Thomas survived longer than would have been likely had they been Conservatives .
24 It would have been extraordinary had they chosen to fight .
25 They were convicted in the magistrates ' court , but appealed successfully to the Divisional Court on the ground that the question whether their obstruction had been reasonable had not been adequately considered .
26 All might still have been well had it not been for yet another unfortunate circumstance .
27 Alderman Glover said that the corporation 's record would have been better had they not handed over some of their schemes ready-made to the NIHT .
28 It might have been better had they looted , pillaged , raped , and left .
29 Before he died in 1811 , an opium-addicted pauper in Marylebone Workhouse , he may have reflected that it would have been better had he never left the low-lying fields of Huntspill .
30 Would it have been better had you gone to the other jobs ?
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