Example sentences of "[be] [verb] to do " in BNC.

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1 It is a book that I greatly admire , for in his own time its author succeeded in doing what I am struggling to do now .
2 Fortunately , some well-known figures in the sports and pop world are helping to do this .
3 Kneeling can also be used to help the patient get up from the floor ; most patients are taught to do this once they can walk , in case they have a fall .
4 Exercise that can help to maintain the elasticity of the vagina are also used to control urinary incontinence and avoid a prolapse — they are the pelvic floor exercises that women are taught to do after childbirth : sit on the lavatory with the thighs parallel to the ground and feet flat on the floor ( or on a book , if necessary ) ; start to pass water , then use the muscles to stop the flow ; release and finish the flow .
5 In this Manifesto , signed by Malcolm Bradbury , Richard Hoggart , Ted Hughes and Raymond Williams , among a list of forty-three , and published in the Times Higher Educational Supplement , we said that ‘ Students of English at polytechnics and universities often write dull , secondhand discursive prose and are taught to do nothing else . ’
6 Terrible strain is put on three-day eventers if they are struggling to do the times cross country , and stress can mean injury .
7 This does not mean that I am not going to suggest some home truths : only that I think they are truths , and not another uncomprehending outsider 's attempt to cajole , belittle or malign people who are struggling to do their best in a complex and stressful situation , and who know better than anyone else that their best sometimes is n't very good .
8 He wonders how many of his fellow-countrymen visit Britain with this kind of attitude , undoing all the good work the rest of them are struggling to do .
9 However many employers do not comply with these legal duties unless they are pressed to do so for this reason the recommendations in section five of the report are aimed at giving support to safety representatives and full-time officials to improve workplace activity .
10 Most pilots do not instinctively look across and compare their height with the trees unless they have been taught to do so , and more often than not a pilot will try to judge by angles and positioning alone .
11 There are two classes of printers , one called newspaper hands and set nothing but solid matter ; and properly trained compositors who have been taught to do jobbing , tabular work and everything . "
12 Nothing is worse for young people when they start work , particularly if they join large companies , than to spend a year or so sitting with Nelly before they are trusted to do anything .
13 They divide viruses into the ‘ mostly harmless ’ which display messages , ‘ fatal distraction ’ which mean to display messages but accidentally cause loss of data or crash the computer , and ‘ information terrorist ’ which are designed to do harm .
14 • Your complexion deserves make-up which not only improves its appearance but also cares for it throughout the day , so RoC 's foundations are designed to do just that .
15 We can , however , take action to prevent or avoid a predicted catastrophe and much of social skills training and health education are designed to do precisely this .
16 Research has also clearly demonstrated that some children and families are more vulnerable than others but that such disadvantage can be alleviated if society 's policies are designed to do so .
17 Understanding what questions are designed to do will help us answer them .
18 Ella Bembridge , for once without a cigarette in her mouth , worked as stoutly as the men , and would have forced her way into the building to collect some of Dimity 's treasures if she had not been forbidden to do so by Harold , who had taken charge with all the ready authority of one who had spent his life organising others .
19 They are recommended to do so , for Zurich is hardly what one has been led to expect .
20 But I must say I 'm very encouraged to see the numbers of women who are applying to do subjects like chemistry and physics is going up and certainly we would applaud that sort of activity .
21 Twenty-five acts are booked to do seven minutes each and no one does a spot shorter than 15 .
22 ‘ Well , if I do , I 've chosen a pretty safe place to do it in , I think , ’ she responded tenderly , exploring the commanding contours of his face with fingers that had been aching to do this for months .
23 That is the first of three tasks he had been picked to do to pave the way for Italy 's first post-reform elections .
24 Gentle encouragement is given and the children are expected to do their best , but we did not hear a raised voice or see any need for discipline .
25 Teachers are expected to do a good deal of work at home .
26 ‘ Husbands and wives are expected to do everything together , but I felt this cost me my identity .
27 Or do the institutions of retirement , the social norms of limited activity and poverty , and expectations of ill-health and disability suggest to ageing people that they are expected to do so ?
28 But you have to bear in mind that we are doctors , and as such we should really do what we 're trained to do — and are expected to do . ’
29 Three have already set up councils and another dozen are expected to do so by December .
30 But unlike ordinary prisons , members of most societies conform freely and willingly — they actually want to do what they are expected to do .
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