Example sentences of "[be] [verb] without " in BNC.

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1 DSC Communications Corp , Dallas has seen off a shareholder suit brought against the company and some of its officers in 1991 over the problems some of the Baby Bells had with the software for the MegaHub Signal Transfer Point : the suit has been dismissed without prejudice and the motion to certify class action status for it has been declared moot .
2 Old Mahu , the gatekeeper who had slept on the night of Mertseger 's disappearance , had been dismissed without a pension , but that action had done nothing to mollify the general 's conscience .
3 ( In practice , the differences are not that great : " presidential wars " have been waged without a congressional declaration of war , while in Britain a government taking military action abroad will seek the consent of Parliament . )
4 I knew about the bad weather , and I had learned later that , on account of this , the plane had been recalled without accomplishing its mission .
5 But if the damages are calculated without reference to income tax that will not be so .
6 None of these patients are dismissed without any further follow up .
7 Though about 95% of orders are placed without human intervention , people can , of course , monitor and override any of the system 's decisions — eg , to ensure that it is not ordering $2m missiles because of a statistical fluke .
8 The following sentences are given without punctuation .
9 I just do n't like it when things are erected without any permission whatsoever .
10 It struck me one day , walking through the busy market near her home , that I had n't thought about my weight for over a month , that I had been eating without really worrying about it , and that all sorts of desires were surfacing — that the protective layer of my obsession was peeling away .
11 They could not , however , have been sustained without the development of parallel general educational initiatives of unprecedented scope .
12 Circuits are flown without a crosswind or base leg , just a constant turn to or from the downwind .
13 It is a project of ambitious scale and could not have been realised without the generous sponsorship of the Menil Foundation , owner of an important group of works by Magritte .
14 From Otto Bauer to Tom Nairn , the claims of the nationalist to the unequivocal existence of nations are honoured without challenge .
15 If systems are developed without the involvement of the users , they may be unwilling to accept the new systems because they feel they have been imposed on them .
16 The original detentions had been undertaken without the approval of the government , which admitted that it had failed to exert its authority over rebellious troops in the Agadez region who had taken the law into their own hands .
17 For some time now a Canadian company , Delrina Technology , has been producing without doubt the best fax software , for both DOS and Windows .
18 We can not and never will understand this place appointed for our second race , for we are implicated without choice in the catastrophe of the copulations which splatter us into existence .
19 We can not and never will understand this place appointed for our second race , for we are implicated without choice in the catastrophe of the copulations which splatter us into existence .
20 But it had been decentralised without attacking the big cost structures and without the addition of any procedures , with the result that two functional layers were beginning to develop business managers were starting to grow their own subsidiary boards with their own functional capability while the organisation as a whole retained its own capability .
21 While concerns have , from time to time , been expressed over the feasibility of a model which mixes commercial banking with the traditionally riskier investment banking , German fears have been allayed without recourse to anti-insider dealing legislation or the development of a sophisticated statute-backed Chinese Wall network .
22 The Employment Appeal Tribunal considered that multiple interviews ‘ could readily have been arranged without inconvenience or dislocation to the company ’ and that there was insufficient evidence that the need for secrecy precluded consultation .
23 This may result in instructions from the client to oppose , though quite frequently direct instructions are received without any report having been made .
24 The Guardian can now declare : ‘ No successful capitalist economy has been developed without the state sponsoring an entrepreneurial class , designing and encouraging a network of supportive institutions and actively intervening in the management of the economy . ’
25 He had been later surprised to learn , from reading intelligence reports , that the programme had been developed without his knowledge .
26 If you believe , as I do , that miracles sometimes take place between the brain and the writing hand , that we do not always know what we want to write until we have written it , then you will be gratified when the unconscious makes one of its surprise and glorious forays onto the page and not seek to suppress what has been given without your asking .
27 It seems to me a matter of the highest possible importance that where a quasi-judicial function is being exercised , under such circumstances as it had to be exercised here , with the result of depriving people of their property , especially if it is done without compensation , the persons concerned should be satisfied that nothing unfair has been done in the matter , and that ex parte statements have not been heard before the decision has been given without any chance for the person concerned to refute those statements .
28 Here again the results of human activity are explained without recourse to conscious human agents or social contexts .
29 The archbishop of Besançon was summoned through the bishop of Langres ( an intentional slight ) for allowing papal messengers to be captured ; the bishop of Speyer on the same grounds and also for sending one messenger to the gallows ; the archbishop of Tarentaise for crowning Philip ; and the bishop of Passau , who had probably been the draughtsman of the Staufen protest , had a long series of charges brought against him — he had not delivered two million marks to the king of Hungary , he had not paid back the money given him by Richard I for his release — indeed , his crimes were so great , the letter said , that he could have been punished without trial .
30 Thus , measurement of carbamylated haemoglobin can be used to ensure that patients with a potentially reversible element to their renal failure are referred without delay to a specialist centre for further investigation and treatment .
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