Example sentences of "[conj] where [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , Miller only advised budding for less vigorous roses or where more than one variety was required on the same plant and then a compatible growth habit was essential .
2 There were only four such murder cases ( discounting the M4 Rapist case , which we consider separately ) where there was more than three days ' coverage or where more than five newspapers included reports of the search .
3 Selection of keywords is often easier for a more structured assignment or where more " concrete " concepts are being dealt with .
4 Where where abouts are you short ?
5 This may come more naturally and easily to some than to others , but it is possible that where a prolonged conscious effort has been made to tap this creative source , greater understanding and appreciation result than where only little work has been needed .
6 It has been held that where more than one assessment was raised under different statutory provisions in respect of the same amount then , provided these were clearly alternative assessments , they were not void .
7 Provided that where more than one application for a licence has been made in respect of any premises , the licensing board may hear and consider such applications together .
8 She knew that where once this would have been a natural remedy for such an upset , she was unsure now how she would respond .
9 without any deduction ( except where lawfully made pursuant to statute )
10 Bed and breakfast denotes bed and continental breakfast except where otherwise specified ; half board denotes dinner , bed and breakfast ; full board denotes lunch , dinner , bed and breakfast .
11 Where there are single room supplements , these apply to all prices except where otherwise indicated .
12 My thanks also are due to Miss Mary Burkett and her staff at Abbot Hall , from whom I have had help and co-operation since the start of the survey in 1975 ; to Mr B. C. Jones and Miss S. J. MacPherson , County Archivists , of the County Records Office , who have given generous help and advice ; ; to Marie Hartley and Joan Ingilby , whose book first aroused my interest in the stocking trade ; to my fellow members of the Lancashire and Lakes Guild of Spinners , Weavers and Dyers for encouragement and support ; to my granddaughter , Anne Allen , who took the photographs , ( except where otherwise stated ) ; to my daughter , Jan Hare , who typed the manuscript ; to my friends , Penelope Porter , Kathryn Allen and Mary Sutherland , who gave technical advice , reviewed text and read proofs ; Elizabeth Edwards and Kathleen Drummond for advice and information , and above all my thanks to the many kind people who live where there are galleries , and who have put up with my enquiries with such patience and kindness .
13 Except where otherwise stated , the tables derived from the 1979 Survey include all those aged over the statutory retirement age at the time , 60 for women and 65 for men .
14 Except where otherwise specified , these Acts apply to England and Wales .
15 For all high quality listening applications , except where totally enclosed headphones are needed to exclude the noise of one 's surroundings , I rate these Stax headphones very highly .
16 The efforts to simulate weightlessness in 2001 are largely omitted in 2010 except where obviously unavoidable such as inside HAL 's ‘ brain ’ and , especially , in space itself , between the Leonov and the long-abandoned Discovery , Bowman 's ship .
17 In all cases , except where specifically allowed by the belt manufacturer , solvent based cleaners , alkalis and acids should be avoided as they may denature the belting substance .
18 All courses , except where specifically arranged , are conducted in English and participants are expected to have a command of English as a working language .
19 Agreement is sought and where not reached a fair statement of disagreement is provided .
20 Ianthe was trying to imagine what the room would be like and where exactly the house would be but somehow did not like to ask for further details .
21 And where exactly did she think she was running to ?
22 And where exactly do you live ? ’
23 But the anchorage where the destroyer headquarters ship with its rear admiral 's flag once lay , and where up to a dozen destroyers might be swinging with the tide at their buoys , was now empty water .
24 There are also indoor pelota courts , called trinquets , which , to the lay eye anyway , can look like royal tennis courts , and where yet other forms of pelota are played , usually professionally ( I well remember , from my youth , that the then world real tennis champion was a Basque , a celebrated player who no doubt grew up democratically playing pelota and then switched easily enough to the very exclusive game of real or royal tennis ) .
25 And and where where would you have stayed ?
26 You sir , I would contend have found at every turn uncertainty amongst the local authorities and a and a lack of unanimity amongst the Greater York authorities as to whether there should be a settlement and where where it should go .
27 Near where you are and where where I am .
28 I had stumbled into the fringes of a world where cynical and ruthless manipulation of other people was the norm , and where even violence and perhaps murder was used to achieve one 's ends .
29 All over Britain you can find places where ancient settlements leave their mark , where legend tells of bizarre events and where even now hauntings are reported .
30 Craft villages were very different in character from their predecessors of a century or two before , and the new settlements which were dominated by a single workplace and where even the houses and public buildings were owned by the ironmaster , millowner or colliery company had no antecedents in an earlier age .
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