Example sentences of "[conj] again this " in BNC.

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1 The so-called applied sciences , such as engineering , agriculture and medicine , are concerned with much the same objects , but from a different stance : they are largely concerned with ‘ doing ’ , although again this does not necessarily preclude ‘ theorizing ’ or ‘ philosophizing ’ .
2 The UK exchange is a quote driven market-maker system with electronic trading , whereas many foreign exchanges are order driven and still maintain trading ‘ floors ’ , although again this is rapidly changing as a result of competition .
3 And again this is the way of The Possessed rather than Crime and Punishment .
4 On other occasions when people feel tired , and again this applies particularly to night-workers , they know they should eat ( a rumbling stomach and hunger pangs tell them this ) and yet have no appetite .
5 The shoot-to-kill policy was briefly suspended before and after Mr Honecker 's visit to the Federal Republic two years ago and again this year .
6 And again this proves to be the case : our example is found in Arctic Canada , in the high Arctic island of Spitsbergen , thousands of miles away in what is now the desert country of Nevada and Utah in the United States , in western Ireland , in Russia , and in northwestern Australia .
7 Time and again this simple formula proves to be a constructive starting point for detailed discussion .
8 Yesterday and again this morning early , ma'am . ’
9 Some will want to monopolise each week with their own problems and again this can abuse the group : a word in private may be needed , or careful leadership in the group .
10 Again and again this phrase was repeated .
11 The slight attack of dysentery had tired me and I had slept most of yesterday and again this morning .
12 Morrison had Gooch very similarly at Christchurch , and again this was to be his only success of the innings .
13 I am not claiming it is my doing , but I have had a hand in the fact that four years ago and two years ago and again this year we have had exhibitions by living sculptors .
14 Again and again this arching leap is performed until a hundred or so eggs are fixed in an even carpet on the female 's back .
15 Prices were not going up too fast and again this made it economical for us to visit .
16 The late mortality rate for disease was one point seven percent and again this was significantly less than the late mortality for patients with prostate cancer , which was some four times higher at eight point four percent .
17 A mean of two point four percent of patients received a blood transfusion of greater than two units across the region and again this ranged from zero to six point six percent across the region .
18 The information so obtained may then have to be rearranged to show segment differences , and again this process of interpretation may be subjective or objective , depending on how statistically valid the end product must be ; * by using an analysis of attribute sets .
19 By contrast , the analogous question in the case of postnominal attributives , aimed at a determiner and noun but omitting a following adjective , is not possible , as we can see from ( 22 ) , whichever of the two ways we try to do it ; and again this is predictable given the difference in structure .
20 The median total immunoreactive gastrin concentration determined 20 minutes postprandially fell from 59 pmol/l ( 38–114 ) to 33 pmol/l ( 19–88 ) ( p<0.005 ) , and again this was entirely the result of a fall in G17 from 43 pmol/l ( 9–95 ) to 17 pmol/l ( <2.4–52 ) ( p<0.001 ) .
21 87% of deaths from VSA in 1991 were in males , and again this percentage did not differ from the overall figure since 1971 .
22 Erm , disability and mental health has a specific contingency of fifty thousand , and again this is addressing the point that we have tried to reduce expensive out-county placement , erm , successfully .
23 The particulars must also be confirmed by or on behalf of the clearing member , and again this is usually done for him by the exchange 's electronic system .
24 And again this is n't my opinion , it is something that is demonstrated by the traffic predictions which have been produced by the County Council .
25 Well a little more , in future ask travels for the earliest make changes and deal with the future and again this is remarkable that only sixty five per cent absolutely endorse that but our potentials in the , if you look at the next examples , forty four we are told here were in favour of the strategy and thirty six per cent opposed .
26 Well , as usual it 's all there in the papers that Mr has prepared for us if anybody cares to read them , and you will notice , the national non-domestic rate , the business rate as it 's known , the contribution that the government are passing on from the business rates paid in Wiltshire , back to the people of Wiltshire is dropping by seven point nine million pounds , it 's being cut from a hundred and eighteen point six to a hundred and nine point three million pounds , and again this is pound for pound .
27 ‘ I was in touch with the hospital late last night , and again this morning .
28 And the situation has been aggravated by droughts in 1982 and again this year and by the introduction of free market policies in South America which have left Bolivia uncompetitive .
29 The spokesman said : ‘ Again and again this is happening .
30 At 19 miles I was greeted by some close friends from college and again this gave me the extra energy I needed .
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