Example sentences of "[conj] even [art] " in BNC.

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1 There was a time when it must have seemed to many of them that he would never receive a bad review , or even a cross word .
2 The range is obviously very wide , and you may find yourself in a Greek tragedy , or even a modern ‘ exercise ’ play such as Games by James Saunders , where the student may add to the text by research material which can be incorporated in the project .
3 They may be talking about membership of Ulster 's protestant secret societies , particularly the Orange order , the Royal Black Preceptory , and the Apprentice Boys ' Club ; or about religion — being saved , being a church member , or even a non-practising protestant ; or what appear to them to be key ethical issues such as drink , tobacco , and money ; or they may simply be describing in ordinary everyday language life in the family , on the farm , and in the village .
4 Painting nearly always fifty years or even a hundred behind the times .
5 They will then start all over again and go round the cockpit a second or even a third time .
6 No one had thought to specify how many shirt buttons could be undone and fear was now patently manifest that some uncontrollable disorder would be let loose should more than one button be opened to reveal ‘ chest hair , or even a medallion ’ .
7 A heavy contact to the opponent 's face may not merit just a verbal warning ; after consultation with the other members of the panel , the referee can go directly to a full point penalty or even a disqualification .
8 This is now so widely accepted that it seems less like a theory , or even a theoretical framework , than a piece of common sense ; and in one form or another it encompasses the views of the majority of Anglo-American philosophers and neuroscientists about the basis of consciousness or , at the very least , of perception .
9 You 're not beautiful , you 're not white , or even a nice light brown .
10 I was neither Jew nor English nor white , or even a proper Indian or a proper Pakistani ; but my travels through Europe and stay in the USA and my near acceptance there as a living entity capable of suffering pain and enjoying pleasure had temporarily given me a sort of quasi-human status , further aggravated by those willing to be my sexual partners ; I had become spoilt and pampered .
11 Some towns and cities are now devoid of any kind of public freight terminal , or even a suitable siding which could be used for a one-off consignment .
12 A sudden change of éaulement , an unusual turn in-out of legs or arms , or quick jumps up and then down to the floor followed by a roll over or even a somersault can accentuate the particular place that unusual movement has in the whole design .
13 If varnishing a floor , use a 6in brush or even a roller .
14 At £175 including VAT this is not a cheap sander , but you get what you pay for and for the keen d-iyer or woodworker , or even a tradesman , this is an excellent tool that should last a lifetime .
15 Please send us a photograph and a tape recording of your dog 's best singing efforts — or even a video .
16 Jaguar improved 26p to 599p on talk the signalled bid or deal with Ford or General Motors ( or even a European group ) is near .
17 Because New Jersey does not have its own television station , or even a state newspaper , the candidates have bought expensive air time on the New York City-based stations and in Mr Florio 's case , they seem to be working .
18 So there is little chance of our newsreaders breaking off , US-style , from a headline story to extol the virtues of a brand of paint , or even a national newspaper .
19 I am coming later to the ‘ none-atall ’ which is one of the more emphatic observations that I have to make , namely that one must not assume there is necessarily a rational purpose , or even a felonious purpose , in the breach of law and order and the commission of crime .
20 The chances are it will blow up into a huge row , or even a fight , just as you are about to go on stage at the Marquee .
21 Its vast volume of water pours into a huge cleft in the earth that is thirty-three , metres deep and in some places only thirty-three metres wide ; a long , parallel-sided cleft that becomes a gorge or even a canyon .
22 It is certainly not a good idea to arrive hoping to fill a basket , or even a hand ( unless you know an employee ) with greenhouse fruit .
23 There was all the difference in the world between meeting a retired sporting hero behind the bar and meeting a shareholder or even a director .
24 You could adapt the dapper Dad 's card to include a smart tie or even a pair of cufflinks .
25 It is a characteristic of a task requiring vigilance that it can span a long time , minutes or hours or even a whole work-shift .
26 One gets the feeling from Warnie 's diary , for example , that it was better to be a good Inkling than a good poet , or even a good man .
27 In the long term , hotel and restaurant caterers at all levels will benefit from this co-operation because any innovations will eventually be offered as an option or even a standard fitting on the models if frying equipment they purchase .
28 We 're looking for six pairs of women — friends , mother and daughter , sisters , it does n't matter — both y of whom would like to have a radical new haircut , maybe a perm , or even a change of colour .
29 While others were being lionised he conducted himself like a lamb or even a mouse .
30 It is as if governments , having been given the gifts of technology , set them loose without an idea of how or even a wish to restrain them .
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