Example sentences of "[conj] should be " in BNC.

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1 Whether it can now — or should be — applied to the Cairngorms is open to argument .
2 According to the Chancellor , Nigel Lawson , in his Mais Lecture in june 1984 : ‘ It is the conquest of inflation , not the pursuit of growth and employment , which is or should be the objective of macro-economic policy . ’
3 It is , or should be , an hour in which the pupil gradually comes to learn to defend himself or herself in argument , to have confidence in his or her own prose style , to grow up intellectually .
4 DIN rating gives a reasonable guide to engine power as installed , particularly as it 's a ‘ production average ’ figure , or should be — some manufacturers actually quote peak figures but quality them by saying that an individual engine may vary within stated limits , while others do n't bother with the nicety .
5 Human society is , or should be based on the family and on kinship : ‘ Humanity is naturally embodied in the individual , in the family , not in the State which is alien to it .
6 Chapel services were , or should be , more than just opportunities to hear a sermon : when Major J. B. Pond , the American entrepreneur who arranged lecture tours for British writers visiting America , came to London in 1879 , he visited Spurgeon 's Metropolitan Tabernacle .
7 It is obvious ( or should be ) that an influx of hungry , semi-strangled and homeless urban foxes into a rural area will make a thorough mess of the local ecosystem .
8 The basic question with regard to birth parents is first , whether they can or should be encouraged to release the child emotionally on the belief that this is the only way for the child to become attached to his new family .
9 There never has en one simple view of what a comprehensive school is or should be , nor was there any single ideological thrust behind even the rapid development of the 1960s .
10 Therefore , in assessing product stability , only data on samples stored in inert , highly protective packs , need , or should be , taken into account .
11 Team appraisal thus involves sharing with colleagues your own strengths and weaknesses and what you and they think could or should be done about them .
12 Especially in the civic and voluntary field , the need to spread the responsibility and ensure others have their turn is or should be an essential feature of citizenship .
13 Consultation is , or should be , a key element in a redundancy exercise .
14 the debate which loomed large in Victorian society as to whether strict respect for the Sabbath could or should be enforced by law .
15 We are , or should be , much more willing to allow children to enjoy the special world of childhood without forcing them into premature adulthood .
16 This is regrettable , since discipline is , or should be , a positive process of training and parental leadership which helps children and teenagers come to terms with the world outside the family .
17 Having achieved a reasonably acceptable summary of information needs , there was a great deal of head scratching and heated discussion about how this could or should be used .
18 One hesitates to enter into the argument of whether co-operation and co-ordination should be processes which should be established at national level and work their way down to local level , or should be processes which should develop naturally at local level and work their way through regional to national or even international level .
19 More advanced instruction can be offered on this basis , and they know that it will be ( or should be ) available to them when they need it .
20 Few librarians would agree that censorship has anything to do with book selection , and indeed as we shall see they are or should be diametrically opposite operations with entirely different functions .
21 Or that you do n't ‘ deserve ’ success , or should be happy with life as it is ?
22 The Government proposes that where a pupil has a statement of special [ educational ] needs under the 1981 Education Act , the statement should specify any National Curriculum requirements which should not apply or should be modified for that individual pupil .
23 The argument was partly about nationalism — there were those who resented the fact that the country 's most prestigious and successful newspaper belonged to a foreign company and was edited by a European — but , more importantly , it was also about the degree of freedom which could or should be permitted .
24 But it is also emphasized that professional competence is not something that can or should be taken for granted , and that the intimate knowledge of the carer-counsellor can often be as useful as the most vaunted professional .
25 My life lacked the clarity , form and order of simple fiction , and I had no idea who , where or what I was or should be .
26 Their wishes and feelings are , or should be , of primary concern .
27 Similarly , when we turn to care at home , it is not clear that if the costs of such support were to exceed those of residential care , they could or should be met .
28 The mistake the reformists make is a common and fundamental one : they assume that language is — or should be — a faithful representation of reality , a ‘ mirror of nature ’ .
29 Inevitably , discussion with different individuals about a particular task will yield very different versions of what is being done or should be done .
30 News judgements contain within them an implicit understanding of the nature of our society , where power lies and how it is or should be exercised .
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