Example sentences of "[conj] one in " in BNC.

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1 Total of 9 lifts and 9 falls = Loss 810 cu. ft. = 9/100 lock — that is to say there is no loss , other than that of 9 separate ‘ fits ’ , or one in each case of 90 cubic feet .
2 The vague term ‘ really serious crime ’ was defined to mean an offence which carried the possibility of a three-year sentence for conviction on a first offence , or one in which large numbers of people were involved .
3 I have often heard this said as a last-ditch attempt by adults to find consolation or uplift from a dreich church service or one in which the sermon was the dominant factor and was long-winded or incomprehensible or both .
4 Arithmetic and logical operations are now performed between operands both of which are in accumulators , or one in an accumulator and one in a store location .
5 This is an important topic ; it often happens that an approximate reciprocal of a matrix A is known : perhaps from a rough calculation , or one in which an error has been made , or even that belonging to a neighbour matrix of A. Refinement of this approximate reciprocal is then required .
6 In 1984–5 , over 7 million households , or one in three of all households , were in receipt of housing benefit , and the cost was equal to more than 10 per cent of the entire social security budget .
7 If in a potentially life threatening situation or one in which irreparable damage to the patient 's health is to be anticipated , doctors or hospital authorities are faced with a refusal by an adult patient to accept essential treatment and they have real doubts as to the validity of that refusal , they should in the public interest , not to mention that of their patient , at once seek a declaration from the courts as to whether the proposed treatment would or would not be lawful .
8 This is because the ‘ syntax ’ of theory , the logic on which it is based , is at the root of structures which have historically been used to trivialize , marginalize , and devalue the discourse of women , to pass it off at best as a mere fiction , and at worst as an illicit form of language use or one in poor taste , like the pun .
9 ( 4 ) Ensure the activities provide learning experiences for pupils through which you can assess their attainment of each attainment target or one in particular .
10 The final choice appears to rest between sites at Llandrinio , Powys , or one in neighbouring Shropshire .
11 Campaigners fear , unless action is take , the number of caesareans could rise to American levels , where one in four babies is born this way .
12 The corpse/cadaver brasses sport shrouds of a type seen on the skeleton examples , though the presence of flesh allowed the cutter to render a more accurate portrayal of human features — often producing a successfully recognizable human being , albeit one in want of a good meal .
13 A National Consumer Council report suggests that only 31% of council and housing associations tenants were satisfied with the way in which their complaints were handled , and that one in six tenants dissatisfied with the service provided by their landlord had not made a complaint at all .
14 This week 's figures suggest that one in three motorists are buying unleaded , despite the confusion which still exists about which cars can run on which fuel .
15 In past epidemics , the doctors reckoned that one in ten of those infected would die .
16 As a result they were often not employed and , even if they were , there was a widespread superstition that the Catholic church made sure that one in twenty ( or was it ten ? ) was faulty , as a sort of divine vengeance .
17 Yet we know fur example that one in four British households in 1989 were comprised of people living on their own and one in three families were single parent families .
18 His study , to be presented to the British Psychological Society 's annual conference in Scarborough today , found that one in three girls wanted to be thinner , even though many of them were not overweight .
19 Statistics ( Table I ) indicate that one in ten of the people of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland works in agriculture , although in practice the presence of small scale and often part-time farming means that probably one in five receive part of their income from agricultural activities .
20 ( 1 ) Official figures indicate that one in five of southern Italians and a quarter of Greeks and Portuguese work in agriculture , although the numbers significantly dependent on it for their livelihood must be considerably higher .
21 Sandy and Eddie at two in the morning , surveying the evening 's crowd and explaining who was who to a newcomer : ‘ You see that one in the white vest , that 's his affair in the denim .
22 He did no more than chip that one in as well , and it gave us the lead .
23 Perhaps a couple are looking at one another in a different light — it is to be remembered that one in three marriages now ends in divorce .
24 Statistics show that one in every three company directors aged 40 will die before reaching age 65 .
25 The British Crime Survey suggests that one in four crimes are officially reported , although sociologists and criminologists suggest that between 10 and 15 per cent is a more probable figure .
26 Assuming that one in 10 were severe reactions — experience suggests the ratio would be much lower — that implies a total of 318 500 reactions , or two out of every three patients .
27 A survey by London Gay Switchboard in 1980 of people looking for accommodation found that one in four was homeless on account of their sexuality .
28 And does the fact that one in four people in Britain now lives alone mean that we have finally achieved the highest aspirations of humanity , or that we are victims of an ideology of individualism that has distorted even our deepest relationships ?
29 I WAS interested to read that one in five people does n't sleep well .
30 But one large finance house which circulates new customers with literature promoting other loan possibilities reported that one in five pursue the offer no indication that the ‘ loans as loans ’ stage is with us yet , but a tribute to the power of the advertising which could bring it closer .
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