Example sentences of "[conj] well [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I have found full cupboards and empty ones , children with books and children without ; schools and classrooms where the resources of the community have been mobilised , where well stocked classroom shops have been organised using packets , wrappers and tins collected by children , where great varieties of natural and man-made objects have been collected for children 's use in science and mathematics — and schools with none of these things .
2 While such statements could be interpreted as being passive rather than negative in terms of the advancement of building surveying , the Report went on to state that building surveyors ‘ have been less ebullient [ than quantity surveyors ] in recent years — partly because they are less numerous and their work less homogeneous or well defined ; but , to a large extent because they have made a less prolonged and concerted effort to develop their skills and explore the horizons of opportunity , although there has of late been a welcome resurgence in this respect ’ .
3 Indeed , none of his novels is well shaped or well written .
4 I 'm not suggesting that your baby would n't be happy or well cared for , simply that he or she needs a mother who 's secure and happy with herself .
5 well suited or well fitted with the , with the stuff that , you know , you 've , you 've got erm I mean that 's probably the best way to do it and I also find actually trying to write things sh myself shows up the holes in arguments , shows up the bits that you need yet to fill in sort of thing
6 I I think if you 've got a moderately or well differentiated tumour and i it 's solitary and it 's small and they 're clear at three months tell them to stop smoking by all means .
7 Erm for another reasons , which we shall get on to a bit later , there may be a great deal of confusion , er memories may not be clear or well formed , um people , according to some theories and ideas , people may be under-reporting because um y'know it helps them maintain their eq equilibrium a bit better .
8 Perhaps those who know the truth will be too lazy or too diffident or too poor to publish while whose who believe in error will be so rich , or well organized , or self-confident that they will control the presses and the television studios and dominate the ‘ free market in ideas ’ .
9 It was not thickly populated or well defended , but it was much larger than the islands the English already held in the Caribbean , so it provided land for English emigrants for some years .
10 None of these collections was well catalogued or well arranged by present-day standards , and none was accessible to the general public .
11 If owing to pressure of other work in the office the ideal team is not available , senior management will need to pay greater attention to the job since either the line of delegation will be sparse at the top end , or well qualified and experienced surveyors will be forced to do mundane duties which could both lower morale and prove financially inefficient .
12 Since West German parties and voters have deep respect for professional competence , lists may include also experts not distinguished for party , activity or well suited to constituency campaigning .
13 Only in exceptional circumstances — a major effluent , a polluter who is proving difficult , or a discharger who is powerful or well known — is the officer 's area supervisor likely to take a personal part in the proceedings .
14 Now that 's when the movement was erm mainly underground , it was erm s organization and working together er in a sort of a covert manner , things were very secretive er and then after June it became more open as it became , the , the er movement became more accepted or well known , it became difficult to continue it underground so it became more open .
15 The water authority will reject applications for the use of septic tanks when absorption tests are unsatisfactory or where the siting of the tank could result in pollution to a spring , stream or well used for drinking purposes .
16 Business therefore expanded at a great rate and labour was not as well organised or well informed as it is today .
17 The fraction less than 2 µm , which varied between 3.0–4.9% by weight of the bulk sample , gave illite as the dominant clay with 70–85% in well crystallised form , kaolinite 10–25% either very poorly or well crystallised , and mixed layer 5% with illite and chlorite poorly represented .
18 Erm but I think you will find that well covered in Arnold 's book .
19 I know I did in some some detail , particularly in the theory elements , which is n't in Arnold 's book , but er I think you 'll find that well covered there .
20 Only regulations 9 , 10 and 11 have a legal requirement for record keeping but Martin Newell , of the CIA 's COSHH guidance task force , believes that well kept records will prove to be a useful source of epidemiological data , as well as an invaluable resource to companies who may find they need to demonstrate compliance with the regulations as a result of litigation .
21 ‘ Is Kemp that well protected ? ’
22 He also died by labouring the Windows strategy that we can all repeat like the Lord 's Prayer and by demoing that well known object-oriented tool ( NOT ! )
23 They point out that well known communication graphic techniques such as pie charts often do a good job of summarising data but are of little use as exploratory tools since they reveal little about their structure .
24 ABARE estimates that well designed decoupled policies in the EC and in the US would benefit the Australian wheat and feed grain industries by almost 30% of their value of production in a low price year such as 1990/91 .
25 There is no question that well designed Italianate lent itself admirably to that display of powerful dignity which the railways were currently trying to achieve .
26 These considerations indicate that well designed studies of the clinical effectiveness of appropriate treatment with oxygen in the prevention of death of hypoxaemic infants and children in hospital are now required .
27 As scams go , it was not particularly smart , nor well executed .
28 Churchill assembled a team of ever-changing research assistants — their position was neither easy nor well paid — at his house , Stour in East Bergholt , Suffolk .
29 Building construction should not be a closed book , and the industry itself is neither well trained nor well informed , otherwise its reputation would be a good deal better than it is .
30 Although well furnished , the annexe rooms , which led off from the rear of the bothy , lacked cosiness because they were so cold .
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