Example sentences of "[conj] time [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus US West is set on attacking such firms as BellSouth , ( in Florida ) and Nynex ( in New York ) where Time Warner has lots of cable customers .
2 Where time permits , leave the final draft of any report you have written for a few days and then read it again with fresh eyes .
3 For assets held on 6 April 1965 where time apportionment applies , the Revenue is content to defer the valuation until the transferee disposes of the asset .
4 Handsome Outer Coffin in Spanish Mahogany covered in fine Genoa Silk Velvet , Solid brass handles & time Silver breast plate to ditto engraved with Coronet and inscription
5 The Date & Time fields are automatically filled from the PCs time and date .
6 Clearly , only a percentage of lesions bleed at any one time and it may be that screening favours the detection of more slowly growing tumours ( length or time bias ) .
7 It also has applications in field archaeology where financial or time constraints preclude excavation of more than part of a site , and where it is therefore important that the excavated part yields as much information as possible .
8 3 Accessibility : services are readily accessible and not compromised by distance or time constraints .
9 The liberal democratic state simply mirrors the patterns of the relations between the dominant and dominated groups , and hence in different countries or time periods it may be capitalist , meritocratic , racist or sexist .
10 In many geomorphological histories there has been a propensity to ignore the most recent stages or time periods so that the Quaternary was often treated in less detail and the Holocene or last 10,000 years seldom referred to at all .
11 but leaves us with a sense of the characters inhabiting a kind of vacuum or time warp .
12 The addition of the term in the contract ’ such approval not to be unreasonably withheld ’ , or time stipulations on approval , may assist the purchaser .
13 4.3 ) Decomposition or time series analysis .
14 The stab or time rate for a journeyman compositor in Edinburgh in the 1890s and early 1900s was 32s ( £1/12/0 ) , while piece workers or linesmen were usually earning considerably less — perhaps 25s to 27s . "
15 A that time David was going through a period when he would n't fly , which was a pretty smart ploy because it gained you a lot of time between gigs , as you have to travel by some sort of surface transportation .
16 But the thing is that there 's time limits imposed on the building application , so that time limit is therefore transferred to us .
17 Most conveyancers do not now object to dealing with requisitions on the title before exchange of contracts , although time limits are imposed for raising of requisitions after contracts have been exchanged .
18 — sight and time deposits with banks which represent a claim on primary money , i.e. convertible into primary money .
19 Sterling sight and time deposits : The above bank obtains approximately 60 per cent of its total funds from customers ' sterling deposits .
20 The balance was raised by the issue of CDs , bonds and time deposits and by interest received by the societies but credited to their reserves .
21 There are two major types of deposit : sight deposits and time deposits .
22 The distinction between sight and time deposits has become increasingly blurred in recent years , with interest being paid on current accounts and with instant-access , no-penalty , high-interest accounts .
23 Commercial banks ' liabilities include both sight and time deposits .
24 The demand for narrow money will fall , but the demand for broad money ( which includes both sight and time deposits ) will remain the same .
25 Putting that aside , I enjoyed playing with the various contraptions which was both fun and time filling ( during boring lunch hours ! )
26 implemented automated clocking and time recording systems
27 As the child gets older and time orientations lengthen , the reward may be delayed ; gratification may occur days , weeks , months or even years later , and this may result in a ‘ work ethic ’ style in which persistence becomes a sub-goal in itself .
28 These include : national public statements of goals and intent ( e.g. the Nigerian ‘ Seminar on a National Policy on Education ’ ) , the legal and administrative framework of the school system , official calendars and time allocations , the syllabus and related descriptions of prescribed content , official lists of recommended books , and the content and style of the final and intermediate examinations .
29 According to Stephen Howard , the company 's founder and chief executive , Make Systems is the only supplier of network planning software to use device-specific libraries to model the performance of specific vendors ' routers and time division multiplexers .
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