Example sentences of "[conj] then came " in BNC.

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1 Her body was lifted from the coffin and carried through the dusk across the open fields that then came up to the hospital , to Ferry Beach .
2 She fetched herself a packet of sandwiches from the counter and then came back to where she had been sitting .
3 I wandered around for a bit and then came back again .
4 And then came Lucy .
5 Zina Garrison , the beaten Wimbledon finalist last summer , lost in the first round , but not much of consequence occurred until Sanchez-Vicario toppled Mary Joe Fernandez in the quarter finals — and then came the heavy matches .
6 The next owner was Robert Russell , a merchant from Bristol who is buried at Bremhill , beyond Wick Hill , and then came John Bagot .
7 Too early to know , say officials , and anyway that question really has a different target : it was the press and Wall Street that got euphoric in the early days of war , and then came down with a bump , not the administration .
8 There was the cancellation of the second Test after the Guyanese government decided to deport Robin Jackman because of his South African connections ; and then came the real tragedy , when Ken Barrington had a heart attack and died during the third Test in Barbados .
9 I drove away slowly and then came to the corner of Union and Gloucester .
10 We talked first about the Toxteth riots and then came the declaration .
11 And then came the bombshell .
12 A female squealed , and then came up to them rubbing her backside .
13 He and Fonda retired to their trailer , smoked some marijuana and then came out and told the crowd of local youths that they should imagine that the two of them had just arrived in town , and , on the way , they had picked up a local girl of fifteen , and raped and left her in the bushes .
14 He found an opportunity to work in the biochemistry laboratory at Cambridge , and then came to Florey .
15 In Europe the ravages of war had to be made good and then came the enlargement of universities , government institutes , and industrial establishments .
16 And then came the second Fleet Street sensation .
17 And then came your call for us to buy from W H Smith .
18 For a moment , Henry thought she was going to laugh , and then came a sudden explosion of sobbing .
19 Mamma d'Agostino took one of the towels to the sink and then came back and lifting Noreen 's arm began to daub it .
20 June came and went , and then July , and then came the August holidays — and Mummy brought exciting news from the village .
21 Perhaps this was what those few loud-mouthed rabbit-eyed creatures who dropped their bombs at the first flak and then came back and talked about the target area had felt like .
22 After sunset , your song wore a tune of ascetic grey and then came night .
23 And then came the unmistakable sound of a shot .
24 A small cottage was next to the terrace houses and like them had no garden but just a tiny yard and then came a doorway leading to the flat over the archway of Dean 's Yard .
25 The Cecil Cafe next door was run by Mr. Gray and then came The Goat public house , which after closure in 1927 became a hotch-potch of offices and workshops , used by small traders .
26 Soon afterwards , Gary was back on drugs , living with a girl , and then came numerous confidence tricks .
27 He described how they heard a plane , and then came the searing flash and tempestuous roar , and then the utter unbroken silence of the grave .
28 I made my La Scala début in 1979 , then the ‘ Met ’ in ‘ 80 , and then came my big break — my audition with von Karajan in ‘ 81 .
29 Ho staggered back and then came at him , fists flying .
30 It is recorded that a Masai once killed a cattle robber and then came into the district office to report the murder .
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