Example sentences of "[conj] will make " in BNC.

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1 We can not explain the motivations of Romeo in terms of today 's values , but we can bring a contemporary handling to the words that will make the imagery blaze afresh each time it is spoken .
2 It 's not the stopping or the burning or the escaping to Africa that will make an end of it .
3 The four legs and four rails that will make up the seat-jointing section are cut oversize so that they can be cut in half .
4 Water authorities that will make a splash : Jeremy Warner on investment in the floated water authorities
5 ‘ I want someone to create a style that will make me look fabulous , and which does n't need any care at all .
6 Thus , wherever one looks , one finds people engaged in the construction of the blocks that will make up the Palestinian state .
7 The SSC 's director , Roy Schwitters , has decided that he can do without the participation of Samuel Ting , from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , who wanted to develop one of the two huge experiments that will make use of the machine .
8 The models he works with may be shot by all the big name photographers , but it is the pictures that they do with Steven Meisel that will make them the icons of our times .
9 I have a new brick wall , how can I promote the growth of moss and algae that will make it look less new ?
10 SEAN KELLY , 36 next month , will find in the 164-mile Tour of Flanders tomorrow that it will not be his age but the rest of the professional ‘ peleton ’ that will make victory in the one classic he has never won practically impossible , writes Phil Liggett .
11 SIR — I like to recall a wry comment on the television programme That Was The Week That Was towards the end of the Tories ' last long period in office during the early Sixties : ‘ There 's only one thing that will make the Conservatives popular again — and that is the next Labour government ! ’
12 Some of my colleagues will regard this gesture on the part of the Board with pleasure that will make for whole-hearted co-operation on their part .
13 There is nothing that will make you a better surfer . ’
14 On the other hand these concepts must be introduced in a manner that will make them intelligible .
15 Note the selection headings for these areas and write down the most important features of the case that occur in each of these sections in a layout that will make the next step easy for you .
16 Learn to recognize the signs and anticipate situations that will make you tense , anxious or uptight .
17 Public lighting engineers give very considerable thought to the glare produced by their installations , but in designing lamps you have to compromise between an installation that will make things most visible , use least energy and produce least glare .
18 But there is probably no substance that will make wrinkles disappear permanently and by midlife many of the lines on our faces have been etched there by laughter or frowns over the years .
19 In fact , the inspector or Secretary of State is usually making real decisions , that is , decisions that will make a difference to the built environment ; when presented with that responsibility , they want to be sure the result is acceptable .
20 ‘ I have news that will make us all walk , even readers of Catullus . ’
21 It may even be that despite taking care with matching yourself to the job before making an initial application you may find out further information that will make you less enthusiastic about the job .
22 Children make progress at various speeds at different ages and by watching their activities and offering the next stage when they are ready for it teachers can give them the breadth of experience that will make the formal work of later years more meaningful .
23 Anger and impulse do n't seem to be a part of his make-up : when he parodies the swaggering Hotspur , we can already see the fastidious distaste for self-dramatisation that will make him disown Falstaff , just as , when he imitates his father , we can see the strength this quiet man derives from the stately deliberation of majesty .
24 Mel Brooks ' glorious bad-taste comedy starring Zero Mostel as a crooked Broadway producer who co-opts a timid accountant ( Gene Wilder ) to help mount a mega flop that will make their fortune .
25 There are many ways of saving for an event like a wedding that will make sure that you can buy more than just the confetti .
26 The only thing that will make them change their attitudes will be knowing someone with AIDS and watching them decline .
27 But in the search for such pacts or agreements , the opposition parties will necessarily be drawn closer together , and the campaign for tactical voting will gather force and develop a presence that will make it better placed to make a major impact in the next election .
28 But the irony of the current position is that the Conservatives have all the same problems — but with a policy mix that will make them worse !
29 ‘ When the time comes that will make up for everything . ’
30 There , in the company computer , he imagines he will find tons of choice titbits such as upcoming record store appearances or release dates for new singles — information that will make him a real idol otaku king when he transmits it over the networks to other idol-loving otaku .
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