Example sentences of "[conj] would become " in BNC.

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1 Each one of those millions of evolutionary changes by means of which the single cell multiplied and diversified into the vast complexity of all living things , was either ‘ good ’ , and contributing towards the development of the human being of today , or ‘ not good ’ and was therefore continuing the development of what was , or would become , a non-human species , or lost to evolution by bringing about the extinction of a species .
2 WHEN Robert Napier bought four acres of Carntyne and added it to his Parkhead Forge , it was to create something that would become a cross between Hell and Armageddon for the thousands who worked there .
3 His lithographs of Palestinian villages and of Lebanon , of Tyre and the peninsula of Ras Naqourra , of the temples of Baalbek , are bathed only in the peace of antiquity , a nineteenth-century dream machine that would become more seductive as the decades saw the collapse of the Turkish and then of the British Empire .
4 If it was Morrissey who would eventually encourage Stephen to write more songs ( for the set that would become the No.1 album , ‘ Viva Hate ’ , at the beginning of 1988 ) , it was Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr — now one half of Electronic with New Order 's Bernard Sumner — who provided him with the opportunity to learn his craft as the guitar player 's producer par excellence .
5 Really he was inaugurating a procedure that would become permanent , providing itemised details of his budget , first of all to his parents and later only to his brother .
6 When he walked the perimeter fence , when he worked at the bench with the wood that would become a chair 's leg , when he ate in the Kitchen , when he lay on the top tier of the bunk , he was alive and alert .
7 As well as developing an AS/400 H-series processor around the Rios 2 RISC , IBM Corp is working on a parallel project to develop a single processor architecture that would become the basis of all its mid-range offerings in around 1995 , the May issue of IBM System User believes .
8 As well as developing an AS/400 H-series processor around the Rios 2 RISC , IBM Corp is working on a parallel project to develop a single processor architecture that would become the basis of all its mid-range offerings in around 1995 , the May issue of IBM System User believes .
9 To contemporary commentators like Fyvel , the only other section of the population who behaved in such a way were the homosexuals ; what he did n't know was that this pursuit of pleasure , and concentration on self , were exactly those traits that would become desirable , and eventually , socially acceptable , with the extraordinary success of Elvis Presley and the Teen age that followed .
10 We were endeavouring to develop the policy that would become the programme of a Labour Government who would take power in about 1990-91 and remain in office until about 1995-96 , by which time we would have the beginnings of the Trident programme .
11 Yesterday , after England suffered their fifth successive Test defeat , their worst run since 1986 when they lost 5-0 in the West Indies and were beaten in the first two Tests at home to India , Fletcher said : ‘ Test matches are more important than one-day internationals , although if you lost all your one-dayers then that would become important .
12 Tock was still a little stunned from the accident and would become confused as to where he was or what he was doing .
13 The last thing on Anne Simonsen 's mind was that she would end the evening being drenched with a glass of rum and coke and would become the femme fatale in a low-budget ‘ B ’ movie called Hampden Babylon .
14 These remarks , as they stand , are sweeping generalisations based upon the narrowest of samples ; nevertheless we know with the wisdom of hindsight that the trends in question were definitely there in the 19th century and would become even more obvious in the 20th — that families would be smaller , and that the survival rate would improve dramatically .
15 Economically , Europe had conceded more than she knew ; she was already dependent on products from certain areas and would become more dependent in the age of the internal combustion engine .
16 For all the noise and fury , the Home Rule Bill was passed by the Commons in January 1913 and again in July , and would become law in the autumn of 1914 .
17 The concept of habitat focused attention on the forces confining a species to areas with a certain environment , and would become particularly important in later ecological studies .
18 But he was studying what he wanted to know , and would become a rich farmer in time .
19 The universe would have started in a smooth and ordered state , and would become lumpy and disordered as time went on .
20 However , the region over which this Minkowski frame matches actual space time would be small because of the intense curvature and would become smaller as the centre of the black hole is approached .
21 After 10 to 20 minutes she said that Mr H was mentally ill and would become worse without the medicines she prescribed .
22 Soviet officials assembled for the Malta summit meeting between President Bush of the USA and President Gorbachev of the Soviet Union on Dec. 2-3 ( see pp. 37110-12 ) confirmed on Nov. 30 that the Warsaw Pact was to be remodelled along the lines of NATO , and would become an instrument for political dialogue with the Western nations .
23 In similar contexts would become , and , respectively , and would become , and .
24 Historically , the town looked at one time as if would become the main centre of Thames Valley affairs .
25 As a further stage , Major proposed the creation of a new " hard ecu " whereby the ECU would no longer be defined as a basket of currencies but would become a genuine international currency in its own right ; managed by the EMF , the hard ecu would ( inside the ERM ) stay within its margins and at realignments would never devalue against other EC currencies .
26 This Eliot had taken from his reading of anthropology , as would become clear from his later social writings , and he sought to preserve the physical and spiritual bonds of his culture in the city of London .
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