Example sentences of "[conj] they still " in BNC.

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1 The church was deconsecrated in the early nineteenth-century and converted into a warehouse , at which time its art treasures were moved out to the Brera where they still remain , despite the church having been reconsecrated in the twentieth-century .
2 Blatant sexist readings are on the decline , and where they still exist they have little effect because of the successful appropriation by women of their own discourse .
3 Where they still exist , it is important that they are not undermined ; but where they have withered away , we need to look to new models which take account of the changing patterns and forces in modern society .
4 Reinforce those opinions and attitudes already held where they still reflect what the company wants them to be , and thus protect the status quo .
5 They moved into No 2 Newbridge Hill the same year , where they still live today .
6 Left again , after the brewery ( where they still have the Porter Tun Rooms , a tun being a big barrel not a weight , though not many people know that ) is Whitecross Street and the Barbican entrance , where many tourists go in and some actually find the theatre or gallery they 're supposed to be going to .
7 But none of the larger firms has done so yet , so the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that either they prefer to live dangerously or they still do n't believe that anyone would actually go after them for their personal assets .
8 Although they still retain fine Rococo grilles , these have been over-enthusiastically revamped in neo-Gothic style between 1870 and 1890 .
9 Although they still did an average of three shows a night , after their stint in Paris this was easy .
10 This makes them a great deal less allergenic , although they still cause problems in some children who are highly sensitive to cow 's milk .
11 Russian women take these things for granted ( although they still earn , on average , 25% less than men ) .
12 ( There are signs that they are beginning to view it as legitimate , in theory , in their dealings with Christian lowlanders , although they still find it difficult to apply in practice . )
13 They have a sense of worth anchored in positive racial identity although they still perceive , correctly , that whites are the most favoured social group ( Davey et al. , 1980 ) .
14 Traditionally , Archdeacon Oliver explains , archdeacons dealt with legal and property matters , but although they still have to keep an eye on architects and parsonage houses , their work is far more , nowadays , to do with pastoral negotiation .
15 However , sophisticated pantographs based on optical measurement of the rotation of the joints can offer much better results although they still falls short of the best systems .
16 However , sophisticated pantographs based on optical measurement of the rotation of the joints can offer much better results although they still fall short of the sort of accuracies that can be obtained by the best systems .
17 The floorboards inside were bare , although they still carried the black tack-heads which had anchored linoleum .
18 Simple-minded formulae about the additive relationship of genes and environment — although they still appear , often without even a health warning , in standard genetics text-books — bear little relationship to what happens in real life .
19 We find few mentions of the bishops living at Halling now , although they still continued to use Trottescliffe .
20 When I asked Grand Met how it could justify the high rent increases , I was told that tenants could easily afford them because tenants would now receive all the proceeds from the amusement machines instead of sharing them with the brewers , although they still have to pay a high licence fee and rent .
21 In presidential and legislative elections held in May 1989 [ see pp. 36651-52 ] Menem defeated Eduardo César Angeloz of the UCR , and the Peronists became the largest party in the Chamber of Deputies , although they still lacked an absolute majority .
22 The statesman as artist — God knows it is a dubious and dangerous idea , but to get rid of it Probably involves demoting statesmen and aspiring statesmen from the privileged position that they still enjoy in public estimation .
23 The fleapit at the centre of another Rose script , The Smallest Show on Earth ( 1957 , Big Time Operators in US ) , directed by Ealing 's Basil Dearden , is eventually burnt to the ground by its old commissionaire : ‘ It were the only way were n't it ’ , he says to the cooing couple who inherited the place in a town stinking of glue from the local factory , together with staff so lost in the past that they still enjoy looking at Hepworth 's Comin ’ Thro ’ The Rye .
24 Department of Justice officials made it clear that they still see the pursuit of Gen Noriega as a criminal case .
25 The reason for thinking that chloroplasts have this origin is that they still retain their own DNA and their own protein-synthesizing machinery .
26 Gloucester 's problem was that they still could not win enough of the ball .
27 Is it crucial that they still have the capacity for intercourse ?
28 These , then , are some general principles , but you may feel that they still leave considerable scope for discretion and interpretation .
29 Some parents fail to give their teenagers the opportunity or incentive to be responsible , yet complain that they still behave like children .
30 But this was only one of a variety of vessels , some of them much larger , it seems , used by the Vikings , and it is the accident that they still used them for burials which has enabled a small number to survive — the conversion to Christianity may be said to have deprived us for ever of the best evidence we might have had of medieval navigation as it developed in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
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