Example sentences of "[conj] i done " in BNC.

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1 That 's everything that I done did n't I ?
2 ‘ I mean , when Lennie and I done our act , we worked on it .
3 That 's three easy ones and I done he .
4 I said well I can do everything in the hotel trade from housemaid to housekeeper to barmaid , the only thing I have n't done is managed one but I could do that if I had to and I done , done booking of the reception and I 've done bar , I 've done diner 's room , I 've done kitchen , I 've done
5 And I had Avenger estate , and I done the same with that and I got away with it for ages and I what you want a do , I know what you wan na do he erm , I mean that 's that 's really sort of pushing it over the top but he got a great big sheet of polythene , he went down to ready mix and had a load of ready mix in the back of this Avenger estate , brand new he 'd only just got it !
6 the big garden peas with the steak and chips and I done them two fried eggs each .
7 And I done the wee red motor .
8 Burnt that lot see , and I done some more .
9 And I done my life saving .
10 ‘ It 's not as if I done anything wrong .
11 What is ninety nine then ? if I done it wrong .
12 I feel like I done when Slippery Sun
13 One firm offered them forty five , four hundred and fifty thousand pounds , I said I wanted three hundred thousand , cos I done a lot of repair , a lot of renovating , and I made the bar open and I made my money through selling drink and getting in entertainment .
14 Cos I done it with my old hi-fi yeah
15 Stands to reason you do n't get much for that sort of money , but I done well , I reckon .
16 Because I done extra metal work for three years right ?
17 Oh it 's ages ago since I done these .
18 When I done that I feel a bit sorry .
19 When I done a Y T S course
20 yesterday and it 's worse , worse today than when I done it yesterday
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