Example sentences of "[conj] was [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Or was Germany , rather than Italy , his real destination after whatever was due to happen in Paris ?
2 Or was Italy full of slender , available girls driving ten-ton trucks .
3 There has , however , been some debate in modern times about the motivation which lay behind this huge increase in Rome 's power : was it the constant aggression of neighbouring states which prompted Rome to take protective measures , and thereby incidentally achieve this new position , or was Rome an imperialist power whose expansion was internally motivated ( for example , by land hunger or aristocratic avarice for glory ) ?
4 Was her own brain kinking her around , or was Daine trying to tie her mental patterns in knots ?
5 Was it her imagination or was George laughing at them all ?
6 Or was Otto 's summary dismissal of his friend 's insults something to do with his feeling himself of greater social and intellectual consequence than Jean-Claude ?
7 Or was Mary Ann unaware of the secret shared by the others ?
8 Was he , Elijah , the cause of the problem or was Ahab ?
9 Nor was Washington pleased when the British resorted to their usual tricks in their search for influence over American policy .
10 Nor was Anna Essinger much interested in Jewish nationalism .
11 Nor was Crécy the end of the campaign .
12 Nor was Oswiu necessarily without allies in the north of Britain .
13 Nor was Wilkins a layman championing a secular cause .
14 Nor was Britain the only colonial power to incorporate existing native rulers into a system of colonial administration .
15 Nor was Crumwallis anxious to take over periods in other subjects when there was need — as in cases of sickness or ( frequently ) death .
16 Nor was Baldwin in any way a notable Harrow figure .
17 Nor was Baldwin troubled with the industrial unrest which culminated in the General Strike during his first administration .
18 Nor was Mrs Sutcliffe a national character or a character of national reputation .
19 Nor was Burton afraid of him : Jones appreciated that .
20 Nor was Vivien Saunders , who recently won her second British Coach of the Year award , being wise after the event when she talked of how , in her teaching , she emphasises nothing so much as that a youngster should attack the hole .
21 The letter to the Philippians was n't being written by a warm fireside , nor was Paul basking in the Mediterranean sunshine when he dictated it .
22 Nor was Haig deterred by the fact that German U-boats operated in the main from home ports , and even if Zeebrugge and Ostend were taken , the submarine peril would persist .
23 They did not appear to be engaged , nor was Madeleine sporting a ring , but Harry had had no opportunity to discover if the army captain was really her fiance .
24 They were not here , nor was Thor of Allerdale himself ; but , after all ; it was strategy such as this which had kept Allerdale free despite the wolves at his frontiers .
25 Nor was Eastry any more successful in maintaining peace at home .
26 Nor was Charley dead , but with a ruptured spleen , damaged kidneys and a splintered back he was not likely to live long .
27 Nor was Anabelle the only one to enjoy Sergeant 's company .
28 Nor was Beck prepared to discuss improved road and rail links across the Corridor unless they were ‘ territorial ’ — that is , under Polish control .
29 Nor was Draper reassured on seeing the group perform in front of the seething , gobbing mob of self-mutations at the 100 Club in Oxford Street .
30 Nor was Coca Cola or Seven-Up allowed .
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