Example sentences of "[conj] he [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , and seeing he was getting nowhere , overcome by an incipient lethargy induced by the excesses of the previous night and exacerbated by the heat , the priest slowly rose to his feet and picked up his hat .
2 Dotty told him he was worrying needlessly seeing he was a Methodist , a belief which favoured an artificial rather than a natural classification of guilt .
3 She returned his smile , then darted a quick glance at her husband ; seeing he was engaged in conversation with the governor 's aide , she allowed a confiding note to enter her voice .
4 She turned , seeing he was following her , and frowned , looking down .
5 Seeing he was rooted to the spot , she swept out proudly — and bumped into Rizzi and Katarina .
6 For a moment , Sara argued with him , and then seeing he was not going to leave the room unless she went with him , unwillingly she followed him out .
7 Where he were being accused .
8 Unmarried , his heir is his second cousin , once removed , Mr. Alfred Blacker who is believed to live in Hobart , Tasmania , where he was last heard of working as a Real Tennis professional . ’ ’
9 He was lying in wait in the hallway , where he was impossible to overlook , forking salad into his well-shaped mouth .
10 We rushed him to the veterinary hospital , where he was given an antidote which should have worked within 20 minutes .
11 Mr Franklin went there at the end of the 1970s , after the collapse of Keyser Ullman , the merchant bank where he was a director that was rescued by the Bank of England .
12 After four years in the Royal Artillery , Dignam was invalided out of the army and went straight to the Arts Theatre , where he was a delightfully tongue-in-cheek Shavian Angel and a foxy Claudius , proving Stanislavsky 's adage , as Agrippa in the Anthony Quayle/Edith Evans Antony and Cleopatra , that there are ‘ no small parts ’ .
13 The British Eighth Army 's V Corps , where he was a staff officer , had been giving top priority to Operation Beehive , preparing a strategy to fight the Yugoslavs if necessary .
14 Civil war has broken out among the poets of Ireland , which is why Patrick Kavanagh , bohemian and rural bard , now has two graves in Inniskeen , the County Monaghan village where he was born 85 years ago .
15 He acquired his interventionist leaning at Harold Wilson 's Industrial Reorganisation Corporation , where he was recognised as an up-and-coming young manager by Lord Kearton , the charismatic chairman of Courtaulds .
16 So it is that tomorrow , ITV will screen a profile of the man who spent the first eight years of his life in Abyssinia ( now Ethiopia ) and graduated to serious eccentricity via an English prep school ( where he was beaten ) , Eton ( where he learned to box ) and finally Oxford ( where he was a boxing blue and acquired the dramatically-bent nose which for six decades has lent drama to what would in any case have been a distinguished face ) .
17 So it is that tomorrow , ITV will screen a profile of the man who spent the first eight years of his life in Abyssinia ( now Ethiopia ) and graduated to serious eccentricity via an English prep school ( where he was beaten ) , Eton ( where he learned to box ) and finally Oxford ( where he was a boxing blue and acquired the dramatically-bent nose which for six decades has lent drama to what would in any case have been a distinguished face ) .
18 Aubrey Boomer 's tournament career was also confined to the Continent , where he was extremely successful , winning the French Open a record five times between 1921 and 1931 , the Belgian Open twice , the Dutch Open twice and the Italian Open once .
19 From 1957 Rollo and his wife Alice came to London every year , where he was elected an honorary member of the Double Crown Club ( whom he addressed , on WA Dwiggins ) and the Wynkyn de Worde Society .
20 Richard Rampton QC , read out a draft of a speech which Lord Aldington gave in March 1985 to the pupils of Winchester College where he was Warden .
21 Hewitt-Jones went up to Christ Church , Oxford , where he was a pupil of Bernard Rose ( who later recorded his Magnificat , written for Magdalen ) .
22 He was most often to be found in that jazz Mecca , Dobell 's Record Shop in Tower Street , where he was happy to reminisce about earlier times and to discuss who played what on the records from his heyday .
23 He may have reassured himself of the contnuing power of his charisma during recent tours of the south , where he was given a rapturous welcome .
24 Count Tolstoy and Mr Watts are alleged to have libelled Lord Aldington in a pamphlet distributed to staff , pupils and other people connected with Winchester College , where he was warden .
25 At the opening service in Canterbury cathedral ( 3 July 1958 ) Ramsey muddled his instructions and wandered all round the cathedral looking for where he was supposed to sit and stand .
26 One week we decided to follow him to find out where he was sloping off to We found him on the roof ledge peering down at people in a car below .
27 He went to a local pub in the mining village where he was staying to drown his sorrows and found himself sitting next to a stranger who remarked on his dejected demeanour .
28 My father , a Desert Rat , tells me that in the North African campaign you never asked a man with a shovel where he was going , so I let Nat go .
29 The unfortunate victim was wheeled directly into the major treatment area , where he was examined by the duty medical officer .
30 Mr Amann joins the Copthorne group from Forte 's international division where he was director of food and beverage operations at the Royal Mansour Hotel , Casablanca , Morocco .
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