Example sentences of "[conj] is give " in BNC.

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1 Instead , the returning member of staff is put through various re-initiation rituals ( 'Enjoyed your holiday ? ' ) , or is given responsibilities bearing no relation to interests developed on the course .
2 Thus it is common ground in the present case that if a manufacturer negligently makes and markets defective goods , for instance a car with defective brakes , or a soothing syrup for babies which is negligently contaminated with corrosive acid , and the defective goods are put on the market and sold to a member of the public , and the predictable accident follows and a young baby is injured , for instance if the baby is a passenger in the car when the brakes fail and the car crashes , or is given the syrup , it is no defence to an action for damages , by or on behalf of the baby , for the manufacturer to prove that the baby was only born after the defective goods had left the manufacturer 's premises or even had passed to the member of the public by purchase from the retailer .
3 The victim-to-be purchases , or is given , the W.N.B. and places it unsuspectingly in the top pocket of his or her jacket , with the humorous head protruding .
4 More than 50 per cent of these enfants trovés perish in spite of the care that is given them .
5 Thomas discussed the relationship between love and poetry much later in Feminine Influence on the Poet : ‘ The love-poem is not for the beloved , for it is not worthy , as it is the least thing that is given to her , and none knows this better than she unless it be the lover … .
6 The first is : every command that is given must be obeyed .
7 That is the pathway we have gone down , and in consequence we have reduced the amount of food that is given to our cows that could be eaten by man from 50 per cent to 14 per cent by getting the input from grass and porridge oats : food that would otherwise be wasted in a system that is not using these animals to pick it up on the way .
8 for the love that is given
9 These will have much in common with the kind of training that is given to therapists working in other settings , but should also include instruction relevant to the problems presented by attempted suicide patients .
10 The other type of cat — one that is given a more excitingly varied diet — has its ‘ food variety mechanism ’ fully activated throughout its life and therefore becomes more demanding and fussy with food .
11 Being sick can bring with it a degree of sympathy and attention that is greatly valued by more isolated individuals , and they may believe that if their health improves they will lose out on the time and attention that is given to them on the basis of their illness .
12 Explain the allegorical meaning that is given in the Gospels .
13 The usual test that is given for this is the Snellen chart for visual acuity , which is well known to anyone who has had a routine medical examination .
14 The cornetto , made of wood , with a cup-shaped mouthpiece and finger-holes , is not the most docile of instrumental pets ; to play it fluently , in tune and with good ( ‘ sensuous ’ , as Benvenuto Cellini described it ) tone , is a skill that is given to few — it does not seem all that long ago when even competent cornettists were almost as rare as hen 's teeth .
15 Speaking very broadly , such effort is simply the attempt to connect something that is given with something other than itself .
16 In particular , an organization that is given a task that is controversial and unpopular in many quarters , such as an organization charged to promote racial and sexual equality or one providing help to a stigmatized group such as vagrant alcoholics , may find that it is given an unclear mandate and is placed in a position in which it finds it hard to acquire ‘ legitimacy ’ for its activities .
17 Note how the organisation of the task is suggested in various ways , particularly through the schedule that is given .
18 Power , then , in pluralist analyses , is not a simple property that is given to one group and denied to another on the basis of economic or social position .
19 Perhaps predictably , many of these problems are concerned with the label that is given to a subject in an alphabetical index .
20 They will welcome the support that is given for that process from the centre .
21 That is the impression that is given and Labour likes to think that one should never say anything good about our region .
22 Will my right hon. Friend take the opportunity of the review of the Territorial Army to commend to the Confederation of British Industry , to the Institute of Directors and to others the training that is given by the TA so that greater public recognition can be given to it ?
23 I support the recommendation — I hope that the Under-Secretary will do likewise — that the extra allowance that is given in the Greater London area should be extended to out-of-area boroughs that have similar high charges .
24 The little information that is given on the performance of mature students is not very useful .
25 It is not , er this evidence does not go to a matter of law er er and the duty but it matter of practice and my Lord what this case is dealing with is about what if , what is or should be the practice of a solicitors engaged in commercial conveyancing as to the advice that is given to clients and er my Lord the er commercial conveyancing is obviously a matter which particularly concerns .
26 To the left is a wide , airy area that is given the feeling of a conservatory by huge windows overlooking Belfast Lough and all that foliage .
27 This deplorable situation has come about because no British government has given the people of the Highlands and Islands the economic support that is given , for example , to Norwegians who live in difficult , out-of-the-way places .
28 So the information that is given us is for our information only , or ?
29 In the majority of cases it is something that is given free of charge .
30 And I think what Bob is saying , there is only one account , but you 'll have to endow two accounts , one that is giving rise to interest in the wife 's name ,
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