Example sentences of "[conj] a people " in BNC.

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1 There may be hostility to rivals but there is also the deep sense of solidarity and identity that comes from fierce loyalties to a place or a people .
2 It would be good for the Hong Kong citizens , and it would be inconsistent for Thatcher not to do this , since she has said , for the Falklands , that a people should be able to choose their own government , and we should n't give in to dictatorships .
3 I think the Arabs have the same rights as the Jews and I think it is a tragedy of history that a people who are refugees make new refugees .
4 I think the Arabs have the same rights as the Jews and I think it is a tragedy of history that a people who are refugees make new refugees .
5 For many of us it was a huge disappointment ; a paradox , too , that a people who had proved themselves historically and geographically over and over again , who had shown a rare talent for managing the affairs of other people , should choose to chicken out when it came to managing their own .
6 Schüssler Fiorenza believes that a people that has no history loses its sense of itself .
7 Perhaps by the very end of his life , in 1880 , he had come to believe that a people , a nation , does not create itself according to its own best ideas , but is shaped by other forces , of which it has little knowledge .
8 Luther held that it was " better to obey a prince doing wrong than a people doing right " , and he drew a sharp distinction between things spiritual and things temporal ; between the rules and values appropriate to the inner life of the soul and those appropriate to life in the fallen and sinful external world .
9 And by ‘ them ’ he meant the English who identified with a country and a people that had never accepted them .
10 Wherever you look , the French countryside is brimming with light , colour , the aroma of herbs growing in the wild , and a people and scenery that make it one of the most wonderfully enticing parts of the world .
11 A newly discovered fifth-century inscription ( recording an alliance between Sparta and a people called the Erxadieis in Aitolia : ML 67 bis ) suggests that Sparta normally had the obligation to help her league allies if they were attacked ( ‘ if anyone marches against the Erxadieis with warlike intent , Sparta is to help with all possible force ’ ) ; that she did not intervene to help Aigina is the measure of her lack of will to fight .
12 A Soviet-dominated regime was established in the Siberian region of Tannu Tuva in 1921 and a People 's Republic came into being in Mongolia in 1924 after Chinese occupying forces had been defeated .
13 A people 's world , and a people 's people .
14 For the next eighteen months the Party ran a campaign for a " People 's Government and a People 's Peace " , setting up a People 's Convention to popularize this slogan in the labour movement .
15 However , if a people sacrifices all strangers to the sun , because it will burn out unless nourished by human blood , it would be unduly humble to think that they have as much right to their opinion as we have .
16 If a people holds the belief that existing institutions are ‘ appropriate ’ or ‘ morally proper ’ , then those institutions are legitimate .
17 ‘ He who controls the past controls the future ’ is the message of his last utopia : a sense of history is ultimately power , since a people is guided and governed by a collective sense of what it means to itself and to the world , and history gives it that sense , and only history .
18 'But I want you to know tonight , ’ said Martin Luther King in his final and most famous speech in Memphis in 1968 , ‘ that we , as a people will get to the promised land . ’
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