Example sentences of "[conj] the government " in BNC.

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1 To make matters more complicated , where aid programmes have sought to channel funds to small-scale farmers , or small businesses , the real priorities of the target beneficiaries have seldom been identical to those of the donor or the government .
2 Sir Anthony stopped short of blaming BR or the Government for creating the climate but added : ‘ There must be a better way of doing things . ’
3 People can not openly speak their minds or be quite at ease , in case they are being spied on — not by the KGB or the government , but by ‘ patriot ’ or ‘ loyalist ’ terrorists .
4 Now that the National Curriculum is enshrined in law and is being phased in , how closely does the new system conform either to Plaskow 's ‘ prescription through authority ’ or the government 's consensus-backed ‘ framework ’ ?
5 Police numbers and resources are no longer seen as a vade-mecum by the police or the Government ( as Hurd , for example , made clear in his speech to the Police Foundation Conference in Oxford on 11 April 1988 ) — hardly surprising after nine ‘ wasted ’ years .
6 official post , often a sinecure , the nominee usually being appointed by the sovereign or the government .
7 This was pre-eminently the case where the Area Boards were united in opposing the Central Authority or the Government ( as on the Clow differential ) , though Citrine was more willing to give in to such pressure on matters where he respected the Board Chairmen 's views , such as tariffs , than on matters where he was determined to impose his own , as in labour relations .
8 He owes his staff , fellow trustees , and the public an unambiguous answer as to whether he or the government was responsible for that disastrously mistaken museological policy .
9 Or the government , and you , could extend the loan ?
10 This bill was criticized and amended in the Lords ; and as the original bill has not survived we can not know its contents or the government 's intentions .
11 The United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland might attempt to terminate or modify this agreement ; or the government of either or both States might attempt to introduce legislation without seeking the views of the population , or against their expressed will .
12 I can excuse them for not knowing all the facts that have now come to light but I can not forgive them or the government for failing to steer the health of the nation .
13 The original author of this book commented in the House of Commons , ‘ Seldom have I seen the House or the Government in quite such a mess … as we are in over this Bill … this House does not contain a majority for this Bill .
14 In addition , he used any contacts he had in the services , or the Government , in case they could be of help .
15 They 'll arrest pretty much anyone involved with either the rebellion or the government .
16 Alternatively , the public may simply have become more sensitised to crime , through media and press reports or the Government 's crime prevention publicity , and so believing crime to be on the increase they are more likely to report offences leading to a rise in recorded crime which will lead to further media attention and so on in a ‘ deviancy amplification spiral ’ .
17 The call by Griffiths for ‘ clear agreements ’ is obviously justified , but their achievement may prove to be a bigger problem than either Griffiths or the government anticipate .
18 Externalisation or blaming — admitting that there are problems but saying that the causes are due to pressures at work or unemployment or due to social , financial or other stresses or due to doctors or " pushers " or due to the inadequacy of the police , customs officials or the Government .
19 That was not made clear by the Minister or the Government in Committee .
20 I mean , er FIMBRA can do its regulatory bit , the same as the police can regulate or the , or the government can regulate , but only within certain er parameters , and if somebody really wants to cheat , then they will cheat anyway and er we 've go we 're in a very sophisticated position where the directors of B C C I were able to move money from one continent to another and it meant er it looked as if you 'd actually got money in three separate areas , but in fact there was only one lot and it was being moved rapidly .
21 We were told that although up to this point no account had been made for the effects of new policies , the counties were at liberty to estimate the effects of new policies — either theirs or the Government 's via planning policy guidance and the work of development agencies , TECs etc .
22 Given the inevitable damage to the rural environment that will result , I do not consider this outcome is what we , or the Government , intend by the concept of ‘ sustainable planning ’ .
23 Either the government can order large firms to be split up into smaller independent companies , which it is hoped will act more competitively ( the so-called ‘ structural approach ’ ) , or the government can leave monopoly firms intact but seek to control their performance , for example by monitoring prices and profits and ordering price reductions when firms appear to be exerting their potential monopoly power .
24 Those of us in public life are aware that , whenever complaints of poor service come before us , there are always Labout Members who will blame either the absence of public funds , although they never make any reference to where the money has to come from , or the Government .
25 Ring fencing needs to be enshrined in the legislation to prevent the funds from being diverted by regional health authorities or the Government .
26 We have received no convincing answers either from UKOOA or the Government as to the procedure that needs to be observed to ensure that offshore workers not only enjoy the right to be trade union members but can have their trade unions recognised by their employers .
27 The Minister made a half-hearted attempt to justify that claim , but he could not identify anything that he or the Government had positively done .
28 It would be a mistake for the ANC or the government to think that they are the only parties in the negotiating process . "
29 Does she really think that Edward Heath would have got the connivance of the Foreign Office or the government , without it being sorted out beforehand ?
30 By drawing attention to the need for funds the ambulance service hopes to spark a debate on where the money should come from … health authorities , the NHS , or the Government .
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