Example sentences of "[conj] like them " in BNC.

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1 Many offer aeration and flow control facilities to increase the amount of essential oxygen in your water ( PFK May ) Tuck them away in corners and use the outflow to provide currents for those fish that like them — or defect the outflow onto the tank side and disperse it , for fish that like calmer surroundings .
2 Maybe love was just fancying someone and liking them a lot at the same time .
3 Closely akin to leaseholds , and like them classed as personal interests in land , are tenancies at will and at sufferance .
4 A small cottage was next to the terrace houses and like them had no garden but just a tiny yard and then came a doorway leading to the flat over the archway of Dean 's Yard .
5 But sometimes , on the darkest nights , when the waves pounded the shingle like bursts of distant gunfire , both the science and the symbol would seem to him as transitory as those drowned lives and he would find himself wondering if this great hulk would one day yield to the sea , like the wave-smashed concrete from the last war defences , and like them become a broken symbol of man 's long history on this desolate coast .
6 This convention retained something of the laconic style of drafting of its Latin American predecessors , and like them applied in principle to both the service of documents and the taking of evidence .
7 He resembled them in having studied theology at Oxford and Paris ; and like them he was devout , modest , ascetic , energetic , and a zealous upholder of papal authority .
8 And like them it has no end , dissolving into a new period .
9 You could look at someone and like them , be excited , hopeful , and then , in the wink of an eye , it could all turn to dust .
10 This pattern is indistinguishable from ‘ fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis ’ described by Davies et al , and like them we found it to portend a bad prognosis .
11 But the second degree expressed outwardly in giving up the world with a heart wholly centred on Christ , seems to correspond in some ways to both the insuperable and inseparable stages of The Form and like them gives way to a third stage when the contemplative sees into heaven and is filled with the joy Rolle expresses as song : " prayers turnes intil joyful sange , and thoghtes to melody " ( 69.284 – 5 ) .
12 About a week later he explained at more length that the committee had seen all the drawings and liked them with this one exception .
13 Clara did not mind the cold , for she liked anything that was not small and cramped and heartlessly cosy ; she liked the nameless multitudes that tramped mud on the cloakroom floors and left hairs in the cloakroom basins , and liked them because they were nameless , because they were not her mother and Alan and Arthur .
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