Example sentences of "[conj] where we " in BNC.

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1 It did not really matter who we were or where we had come from ; the fountain united us all in a common purpose and that was enough .
2 We rushed out of the building and started running along the street , hardly knowing where we were or where we were going , until we felt we had put enough distance between us and the reception .
3 Table 5.6 shows that the proportions still at home were very low for those who had no principal carer , whose carer wanted institutional care , or where we were unable to interview or ascertain the carer 's preferences .
4 When both parents are dead there is no one to talk with about those uncertain , early memories of people and places , or to confirm when it was we had measles , or where we stayed on holiday .
5 I had no idea who she was or who I was or where we were .
6 Or where we are concerned or putting in extra work and so on .
7 We must assume now that they know about our plan to attack Bremen , but not when or where we will strike .
8 It was , in fact , the clearing centre at Le Boulou , but nobody had any idea then where we were or where we were going .
9 As for quality , it 's just for simple cases and in truly complex insolvencies or where we wanted someone to trade the company through , the need to get the person or firm with the right expertise would tend to override any cost concerns . ’
10 Similarly , within science & library , we should stick to enquiries where we are the experts or where we have the resources of information and staff time , and refer other enquiries to the relevant specialist agencies .
11 I have decided not to list my visits and explain where we have been or where we have not been .
12 ‘ It 's a lot worse here than where we are . ’
13 I agree that where we 're living at the moment does n't exactly lend itself to being a family home .
14 ‘ Role theory ’ says that where we arrive in society shapes our lives .
15 Mr. Wilberforce and I agree that where we knew one instance of it thirty years ago , there are now a dozen or more . ’
16 Our experience has been that where we are able to admit a person who is dementing we wonder after a couple of days — How did the relatives manage ? b The past 3 years have shown us the myth that exists in many professionals ' minds about relatives pushing an old person into care .
17 This means that where we were does n't exist in the space or time of this universe .
18 Motion one seven seven , of course we accept in principle , that where we have vacancies , permanent vacancies , we should employ direct staff and if possible our members , which we do try to do .
19 So that where we 're at at this point in time .
20 But , that where we went to that pub that time with Geoff , that 's the first time I 've been up there .
21 Do not add fat to any of the food ( except where we have specified it ) , and preferably omit salt too .
22 The inability to convey accurate figures limits the use of pictograms except where we wish only to provide a general impression of a set of figures and where detail is not important .
23 There are also some there which er can or can not at your discretion for more than one year er terminology now being used about recurrent not recurrent expenditure , it 's up to you except where we are , you are resolving to recruit staff or reduce staff erm , it would be useful to have an indication from you as to whether you wish the money to be erm carried through until next year or whether you can see it as a one off .
24 Peter Davis , Reed 's chief executive , said : ‘ This offers us a unique opportunity to expand our subscription-based information publishing for the legal market , which we know well and where we are under-represented in the US . ’
25 We 've got a lot of friends whom we can talk to about a policy generally , and where we can put a word in .
26 ‘ ft can be either , ’ I replied , ‘ now that we know who we are and where we are with one another . ’
27 We take it for granted , but it is important that the emergent nations of the Third World — themselves , many of them , deeply divided culturally , linguistically and genetically — should see what we have achieved , and where we have fallen short .
28 And where we are they never guess ,
29 To begin with , the Palestinian leadership must conduct an honest and tough critique of the events of the past , of our position at present , and where we want to go from here .
30 It would have given us a base at least to operate from , a place where we could be contacted , and where we might even meet some of our fellow producers .
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