Example sentences of "[conj] tell [det] " in BNC.

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1 She repeatedly phoned Landlords , but was either unable to get an answer or told that manager Howard Keizner was unavailable .
2 I can walk out or , and get erm , you know tonnes of any any shop I can get pornography that tells me that , or tell any man who chooses to buy that magazine that 's it okay to take a women even if she says no .
3 When he bent that famous craggy face and strong jaw down from its natural elevation to the level of ordinary human beings it was not to advance any opinions or tell any anecdotes of his own .
4 Indeed , at the end of the scene it is Olivia who is left alone on stage — in that key situation of the end-of-scene soliloquy that tells all — to declare her newfound , misbegotten love in verse .
5 It is a sort of ‘ clan pong ’ , an olfactory badge that tells each badger in the group who its friends are and whether or not it is in the right place .
6 If you fill your factory with machines so sophisticated that they can make anything that any blueprint tells them to make , it is hardly surprising if sooner or later a blueprint arises that tells these machines to make copies of itself .
7 They read some of his books together , and told each other stories .
8 I stood up for him and said it was rubbish , and told all the black players to quit training .
9 The terminology of Locke is still considered valid to support the argument advanced in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads : we are referred to ‘ sensations ’ and ‘ ideas ’ , and told that ‘ falsehood of description ’ has been avoided , for the object of poetry is ‘ truth ’ .
10 On the second day of the UN-enforced air boycott , Tripoli radio said envoys from France , Germany , Italy , Sweden , Belgium , Czechoslovakia and Japan were summoned to the Foreign Ministry and told some of their number would be expelled .
11 ‘ The first time , ’ he said , ‘ I was standing at Sandown airport and told this man that Frank Spencer was flying the plane that was coming down to land .
12 When I returned to Washington and told this story , I received several accounts of severe reactions , including psychosis , among healthy individuals who had taken this drug .
13 We 'll meet here , on the same day , in two years ' time , at seven o'clock , and we 'll have exactly the same things to eat , and tell each other quite frankly in what ways we 've changed .
14 Exercises : students decide if statements about the passage are true or false ; in small groups , they list , discuss , and tell each other what the woman will be doing tomorrow , and what she will have done by 5.30 ; they then discuss the woman 's feelings and decide what advice they would give her .
15 We have intentions , feel pain , and tell each other things .
16 Thus ( 66 ) implies " He did n't dare oppose his wife 's whims any more than he dared commit high treason " , ( 67 ) that the speaker is of the opinion that they would n't dare say a word against him , and in ( 68 ) the speaker very clearly believes that the addressee does n't have the cheek to look him in the eye and tell such an obvious lie .
17 I 'll get Matron to handle them ’ — he looked up at her , and she nodded — ‘ and tell all press callers that a press conference will be held here in the board room at ten A.M. tomorrow . ’
18 Legion wished to be a disciple but Jesus told him to remain where he was in his own district and tell all the people what … the Lord in his mercy has done for you ( Mark 5:19 ) .
19 His ‘ pick your own ’ customers walking past different paddocks of Free Range hens are soon addicted to his eggs and tell all their friends .
20 Successful students study in a variety of different ways , most of them equally valid and effective — so it would be presumptuous or simply wrong to recommend any one proven pattern of study ha bits and tell all students to conform to that pattern .
21 Oh I , when I , when I went there the next morning I had to tell all in front of the class and tell all the kids .
22 I 'll come to your hotel again , and tell all my friends . ’
23 Something they can see and feel , and be impressed by , and tell all their pals in the Ministry of Justice about . ’
24 I want all of you to go there , and tell all your friends to come see one of the wonders of the world .
25 ‘ Go and tell that fox : ‘ I am driving out demons and performing cures today and tomorrow , and on the third day I shall finish my work ! ’
26 And I would be grateful if you could get up there and tell that oaf Duncan to stop whatever it is he is doing ! ’
27 If I go and tell that mod over there that he 's insulted his tie and then I go and tell the rocker that the mod 's been rude about him , we 'll get them burning down the pier . ’
28 ‘ Go and tell that to Ryan !
29 Let me open a new chapter and tell another story .
30 You 've always been a bit of a soft touch , but now it 's time to wise up and tell those around you that enough is enough .
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