Example sentences of "[conj] er [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Ooh they sometimes used to get books or er they used to get some nice prizes you know , and books and er and that and er and when I was little I once went on stage for a in a skipping competition .
2 Do you have any recollections of any particular disputes and maybe an answer that you could possibly sort of , make a few comments on whether you felt the the procedures were worked out so finely that they in fact prevented disputes because they were so long and drawn out perhaps or er it took the fire out of disputes if you like ?
3 Or er I used to use them too .
4 Yeah , well I suppose any , I mean if they go to London or Manchester or , or er I , I think they 're gon na produce something rather like th the books you buy for your kids when they 're young , you know .
5 bloody waste of time this was I did n't get any business out of it or er I did well out of this
6 What , so he 's not very forward or er I think Charlie 's worried that erm , you know , does n't wan na crash and burn .
7 Or er you know into my finger .
8 I mean I ca n't see the government allowing a building society to actually get into erm er a case of insolvency , I think it , the , the , I think the Building Society Association would force a merger , but it may be on very poor terms or er you know , whatever .
9 Then you can forget it and the next time you come to do it , maybe in a month 's time or er you 've I remember now , the water pipes , do n't give it resistance , think of conductance , think of one over , think of conductance .
10 Now what do you need to know , you know , about yourself or about how you relate to particular groups of , of underprivileged erm or er you know inadequate people , I mean people who ca n't cope in various ways , particular erm areas , I mean age groups or particular forms of erm er maybe disability er or handicap or whatever ,
11 Or er you know er quotations on this ,
12 Well she go Hilda got a baby boy about eighteen month old when I knew her like you know , and er she lived by I think it was I think it was you know and er what happened to her I be I think she had to go in a home or er you see and er baby boy was adopted like , the baby boy that 's about all I know about her that 's about all .
13 Except er I , I mean I 'd say that the income funds actually performed quite well , if you did n't look at the capital value .
14 They 've also issued to me the appropriate er protective equipment as well and so that er they do n't you know , so I 'll assume that is on the way .
15 Now the idea is that er they put a couple of monitors and monitor your brainwaves .
16 I I would n't dispute that at all they they are really guessing except that er they are more likely to be right .
17 And er anyway we eventually er ah but er the questions used to asked at every meeting , when are we going to come out and er so much so that er they made the secretary who was a J P and a Tory write to the T U C and er say that we prepared to come out when ever they ask us .
18 Er , on the basis that er that er that er they were destitute .
19 You see , and it 's er it er it 's this j this background you see which er er er convinced people that er they ought to you know help the Spanish people in a real , serious , and er and personal capacity .
20 But er , because we were , see we , I always had a uphill struggle for many years , so that it was n't er , tell you the truth I did n't erm devote much time towards the children , it is their own effort really that er they did very well .
21 Well they , they had gone into the production of er steel er turning er in such a way that er they looked for the best possible tools er in order , one , that they could produce the item more cheaply as far as the employing class is concerned , they want to produce it as cheap as they can and probably sell it the dearest .
22 However er during the course of our er dialogues with the management , er and I must say this that er they did introduce er whenever asked , new equipment , new tools , they did everything possible to make life a bit easier for our members er in that respect .
23 The new park planting etcetera really enhances the area , so that 's nice to hear from the Civic Society , and they 're also saying that er they 're grateful for the newspaper collection , which their office is thinking has been put to good use .
24 and they 'll you know that er they 've got ?
25 Er sometimes what they 're wearing you you find that er they tend to wear er a little bit of a uniform on occasions but they 're not the normal people that we would be looking at .
26 Right , so you reckon that er they should n't charge twenty quid more for another television set , they should take some advertising ?
27 And er whatever whatever it was they said that er they would n't chance operating on him .
28 Erm and er that it 's maybe very important at a time like this when children are potentially going and and knocking on stranger 's doors to be particularly careful so what we 've done is is is put together a simple guide for parents and carers erm which suggests that er they should n't just let their children go off for the evening .
29 Well I have no evidence from either of them , you know , er that er they are slamming the door on my initiative , other than the statement that was issued which if you read it , there 's very little in it that you can object to , or that I could object to , which commits them , the two governments to an initiative , and indeed that 's what er the last statement that Mr Adams and I issued asked them to do , the only er they also in in their statements say that my actions have been both courageous and imaginative
30 I think historically although you know historians can much better than me , erm historically maybe the way that the rock has been worked with a bagging system and it was you know and lots of quarry men had little bits of farm as well around Blaenau especially and you get a feeling er from reading about it that er you know they have a an almost self employed attitude to their to their work and their rock and the fact that er they 'd do it in their own you know wor work the rock in a certain way and this and very sort of proud erm of their work and that and From talking a lot to them and being close to you know it you feel that that that 's still very much the same really you know there is this sort of close relationship and that with their em employers there was you know a lot of you know was n't it was n't straight it as straight as you said a straight employer employee relationship that they was A lot of s sort of er give and take probably and I think they were outraged at this sort of McGregor type tactic really that you know this new machine .
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