Example sentences of "[conj] just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is great to be involved with them because they are sane , normal human beings in the world of rock 'n' roll , where just finding a sane and normal human being is very hard .
2 I think it 'd be a LOT of work to run one … unless you could get those involved to keep track of thier own scores & just send them to you for ‘ validation ’ & keeping the table upto date .
3 There were occasions when we were watching TV or just eating when waves of regret rippled across his face .
4 Clerks too tend to be travellers , temporary incomers to the towns where they study or just stay ; they are indigent , and they are shown in the fabliaux to supply their wants , in terms of food , sex and entertainment , by dint of their wits .
5 Steve Chapman says they run courses for beginners and he would advise youngsters to learn properly … they can go on and progress or just stay at whatever level they want … a lot depends on budget …
6 Do you just stay with neighbours , or just stay with your parents ?
7 An official said : ‘ There is an impression that governors are somewhat reluctant to take their duties up , or just don ‘ t turn up for meetings when serious decisions have to be taken . ’
8 I offer support — if able to — or just listen , as so many need to talk .
9 If we ca n't we will either be in the playoffs or just miss out .
10 The faint glow on the skyline gave him some guidance , but apart from that , he could n't tell whether he was moving towards the shore , or across the bay , or just circling endlessly .
11 The distribution of the tumours is shown in Table I — 56 patients had tumours confined to the bowel wall or just penetrating it ( stage A or B ) and the remaining 58 had advanced tumours with either locoregional nodal involvement or distant metastases ( stage C or D ) .
12 As they came off the S-Bahn trains , drove their battered Trabants across the border crossing , or just walked through , they pinched themselves in disbelief .
13 I 've climbed or just walked in Range West on many occasions .
14 From Dr Beeching onwards , managers were trained in the science of work study , in the discipline of financial restraint , and in being able to manage on less , to cut out or just delay expenditure .
15 Should I go ahead and stab them or just scare them ?
16 You can either create it the way I did or just copy everything you see here into a new file .
17 ’ His ‘ instant portrait ’ — on the accuracy of which he prided himself enormously — was that the client was most likely a starter , could very well be a married man , children off his hands , time on his hands , going back to his own public school days ( the velvet collar on the overcoat was a giveaway ) and the boys will be boys bit or just realized very late that what he really fancied was a bit of the other and had to wallet to get it .
18 She helped him with chores , gathering branches or rounding up cattle , or just stayed to keep him company while he worked .
19 Are these people afraid to expose themselves in a panel condemning the National Health Service or just to sit in the background and make any comments ?
20 Or just fall over in this direction , for God 's sake !
21 Erm let's face it it can be very tempting when the salesman thrusts the document under your nose , just sign here sir or just sign here madam , just a formality you understand , erm we 'll fill in we 'll fill in the details later .
22 Well I think you know , you , you , you , it was an honest answer to , to both questions , cos they did n't say do you smoke a pipe , that you smoke you know or whatever or just said cigarettes .
23 It is possible to book alarm calls , make transferred charge calls , telephone for travel information , for the time , the weather , or just to listen to a story or some music !
24 Did you do away with your or just put a plank over the top ?
25 little departments within the store those people or just put on
26 You know if you 've , erm do you know if you 've erm recorded it , if you 're like speaking if you like in a group do you put all their names down ? , or just put a group ?
27 Or just put it onto your poppadom like that .
28 Do you think I should do it here or just put it
29 You can therefore start at payroll , or start at personnel information if you already have a good payroll system , or just cover the planning systems if accurate personnel information is already available .
30 The radial shields are distinct separated or just touching at their distal ends , and irregularly triangular nearly as wide as broad .
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