Example sentences of "[conj] take her " in BNC.

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1 She 'll also make a grab for any toy that takes her fancy , even if she 's told it belongs to another child .
2 Yeah I 'm afraid so , I think it 's compounded by the fact that your , what your dad says sums it up beautifully about your mum , I was talking to him about , you know , what does she , what she 's got in her life other than what she ever had other than a home , working and so on , has she got any hobbies at home or does she do anything is there anything that takes her mind off things
3 Of a dive that took her 1,250 feet down to the floor of the Pacific , Sylvia Earle said , ‘ The light was faint but , when my eyes adjusted , the world I saw was incredibly beautiful .
4 Angrily he crushed her mouth harder against his as he plundered her lips with a ferocity that took her breath away .
5 Her tone was a little agitated for she had also just seen Faustina mount the refreshment table and pick her way delicately among the dishes of the cakes and savouries , sniffing the air , ready to pause and pounce when she came upon something that took her fancy .
6 He ignored her words , capturing her mouth with his own again , his lips moving over hers with a sensual expertise that took her breath away .
7 ‘ It was n't a definite offer , ’ she confessed huskily , laughing as his mouth found hers again , taking revenge in a kiss that took her breath away .
8 His head lowered , kissing her with a passion that took her breath away and left her trembling .
9 His character , Roddy Lambert , is involved in a love triangle with two cousins — but the older , plainer Charlotte gets jealous and takes her revenge .
10 She greets Crilly coolly and takes her place on the floor beside Perry .
11 And takes her troops away , to distract any curious onlookers with free caviare canapes and an armful of promotional leaflets .
12 Rainbow says this coolly , but grits her teeth and takes her feelings out on the gearbox .
13 In the hall she would put on her hat and , lulling all suspicions of decay and its mortifications to rest in the conviction of her own economical and resourceful genius , with Gigi on her shoulder , she would stand at the head of the basement staircase screaming ( Gigi would scream too ) for Silly-Willie and Brigid to come and take her instructions and give their assistance while she created some nauseating delicacy for Dada 's dinner .
14 Accordingly , she quietly left the nurses ' station to go and take her patients ' before-lunch blood sugars , and carefully avoided Deana for the rest of the shift .
15 Luckily , one of the participants had to withdraw at the last moment and taking her place on the team , I went off in search of sponsors .
16 She would imagine calling him up to her room every night before he went home to bed with a man , and taking her silver hairbrush from her desk and brushing his hair out like a daughter 's , one hundred strokes every night .
17 But he drew back , and taking her hand , forced her to caress him in a way that revolted her .
18 The silver dawn was turning into plain old daylight now , its magic fading and taking her momentary confidence with it .
19 " Tilda , " said Martha , stopping suddenly and taking her sister by the shoulders , " I 'll give you anything you like , within reason , to go back to the boats and stay there . "
20 There was a pause , and Faye moved again , settling herself lower in the bed and taking her hand from her eyes .
21 He reached across the table and took her hand , which was a nuisance ; he would notice if she tried to look at her watch .
22 Phoebe dealt with Maggie 's immediate needs and took her trousers off to soak in the bathroom .
23 ‘ The doors are open , ’ and took her place without looking at anyone .
24 Emily closed the door behind her and took her hat off , shaking her hair loose .
25 She worked as a community worker in an immigrant village , and took her MA ( in social work ) and her doctorate ( in sociology ) in Bar-Ilan .
26 She smiled and took her leave .
27 She left him , having found out what she wanted to know , and took her own bus home , mulling over her good idea .
28 In 1913 , Liam Murphy did sail for New York without Nellie , promising to send for her ‘ as soon as he was settled ’ but Nessie O'Neil was n't sure and took her daughter home with her to the farm ‘ for company ’ .
29 Nick smiled and took her hand .
30 He surveyed Jess , then extended one hand and took her shirt between finger and thumb .
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