Example sentences of "[conj] could come " in BNC.

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1 Theirs was the charm of not being bourgeois , and the foreigners among them could be , or could come across as , princes , pretenders to a throne , descendants of a khan .
2 The White House wants to see stations that could come in at either $5 billion , $7 billion or $9 billion over the next five years .
3 an element that could come into it .
4 ‘ While partnerships are part of our industry 's culture , we were not even scratching the surface of the benefits that could come from taking traditional relationships many steps further , ’ he said .
5 I have not met many Scottish people who wish to be left exposed to the nuclear blackmail that could come from the huge nuclear arsenal which will remain for many years on the continent and in Russia .
6 ‘ Mike Phelan is fit again and could come into the reckoning , but I have plenty of options , ’ said the United manager .
7 The author was , for example , frustrated for some time by a field name written in 1736 as Abboxry Land , and could come to no sensible conclusion as to what was meant .
8 They did n't happen often , and could come at the unlikeliest times and places .
9 I wish you were a Romany and could come with us . ’
10 Given that the Secretary of State 's own appointed governor , the former chief inspector , Eric Bolton , said that the situation at the school is ’ unsatisfactory ’ and that the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers said that pupils and staff at Stratford school are ’ disturbed ’ , does the Minister recognise that the Secretary of State 's statement last week that Stratford school was ’ operating satisfactorily ’ had no basis in fact and could come only from a Secretary of State who sought to evade , rather than take , the responsibility which was plainly his ?
11 Now the dangers are smaller , but could come from almost anywhere .
12 I think all these developments will be painful but could come to a good end : the genetic bad luck of a very few may , eventually , be helped by many in that general health insurance and tough anti-discrimination laws could become reality .
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