Example sentences of "[conj] who must " in BNC.

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1 Or who must feed you when your Father 's dead ? ’
2 At present , health benefits are available to people who are eligible because they are exempt or who must claim on low-income grounds .
3 Whilst most of us , for example , can cope with having the occasional murderous thought about people we love , or work with , there are other people for whom such thoughts constitute a profound assault on their self-worth , and who must , therefore , either suffer that sense of worthlessness or involve themselves in an intense effort to deny or rationalize the thought .
4 Both discussed Kohlberg 's moral dilemma of a man who can not afford the expensive medicine which may save his fatally ill wife , and who must decide whether to burgle a pharmacy to get it .
5 The victims are people who stand between him and the desired goal , usually some form of power , and who must be set aside , disbarred , or killed .
6 The poet James Fenton , who was stringing for The Washington Post and who must have cut an unlikely figure riding into Saigon on a victorious Viet Cong tank ( described in The Fall of Saigon , first published in Granta 15 and then included in All the Wrong Places ) , wrote a savage review of the book in the New Statesman describing Herr as a ‘ shooter ’ , rather than a reporter for Esquire .
7 Then , however , you really must be prepared to stick to your principles and beliefs because throughout the coming months you simply have to know whom to trust and who must be shown the door .
8 But it is the husband who is responsible for paying it and who must acquire the money from outside in the first place .
9 The fifteen hundred men who had set off north from the Forth directly after the first struggle with Siward and who must be less than two hours away at this moment , marching up Strathallan by the way he had come himself , passing Dunblane and Forteviot .
10 Quite simply , the parties to a deed should sign it in the presence of a witness , who must be present at the time it is signed , and who must then put his own name , address and occupation .
11 It is your turn to be the good guy who always wins in the end , but who must first dispatch a host of vicious villains .
12 A foreman who spends most of his time riding herd on this week 's production quotas but who must also develop a program to deal with the labor requirements of next year 's retooling has a responsibility time span of a year or a little more .
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