Example sentences of "[conj] who would " in BNC.

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1 The spin-doctors turned out to be young men who would point out a Labour sticker in the window of a public library as evidence of the socialist canker , or who would remark that Neil Kinnock 's latest speech was the worst he had ever made .
2 With no casualties to deal with , but with new staff and better equipment our doctors settled down to work with a will for the children from ‘ Peabody buildings ’ at the back of the hospital who had either come back from evacuation , or who would not go anyway .
3 We would like to hear from people who regularly attend Auction Sales in different areas or who would be prepared to attend and be good enough to send us regular fair and balanced reports of their observations ; conclusions and recommendations with regard to the numbers of and general condition of the animals ; their handling and treatment ; attendance by officials at the Sales ; facilities for the animals , e.g. hay , water , etc. , and more particularly what happens to the rubbish section ?
4 The House of Commons accepted him as a quiet , agreeable member of some substance , not the sort of man who would ever dominate in debate , or who would lead a school of thought , but a man who with three or four others might constitute a very effective block within his party to a course or an individual of which or whom they did not approve .
5 The three used to compete with each other to see who could steal the best clothes or who would take the biggest risk .
6 People are becoming with the word incest — although who would guess that an estimated one in four families are believed to have experience of this ?
7 Will any of those disappointed Berlin front-runners stand a chance , and who would replace them in their respective jobs if they go ?
8 It is widespread to policemen and women in ‘ sandbag ’ areas like West Belfast that their typifications of Catholics draw a distinction between the majority who are decent and honest and who would have friendly contact with the police but for fear of the paramilitaries , and the small number of ‘ gangsters and criminals ’ who support or undertake attacks on the police .
9 Most important of all , he wanted someone who was sympathetic to his views and who would not be over-protective .
10 ‘ We are toasting missing colleagues who were with us in the buffet and who would have preferred us to do it this way , instead of being sombre , ’ said Mr Christopher Reeves , a consultant engineer who joined the train at Southampton Parkway station .
11 For Hardenberger — the brilliant young Swedish trumpeter for whom the Birtwistle and the Blake Watkins pieces were written and who would have commissioned the Maxwell Davies if John Wallace had n't go there first — it is an exciting project .
12 Not what one expected of the wife of the senior partner , Tim observed , thinking smugly of his own immaculately turned-out Patrice , who would refuse to eat if she put on even an extra pound and who would as soon leave the house naked as without make-up .
13 There are also very many Christians who , while not wishing to engage in holy war in the literal sense , are perfectly prepared to crush to powder the cultures of those they convert , and millions more who would condemn those of other faiths as false , if not idolatrous , and who would wish to have nothing to do with them .
14 But in so doing , they ignored a continuing problem ; and they created a new one , for the price they paid for the French troops who solved the English military problem was a monarch who was taught to be French and Catholic , and who would return to her country only when both these things clashed with the prevailing balance of power in Scotland .
15 In any event , unlike the autumn of 1557 , the time was now certainly ripe for the peculiar inspiration of John Knox , the man who , in the words of the English diplomat Randolph , ‘ is able in one hour to put more life into us than five hundred trumpets continually blustering in our ears ’ , and who would later be described by the same diplomat in 1561 , a week after Mary 's return to Scotland , as the preacher who ‘ thundereth out of the pulpit … he ruleth the roast , and of him all men stand in fear ’ .
16 Where would they be taking it to and who would be drawing ?
17 Or he could face a knottier , and probably impossible , problem — how to woo the 20-plus Liberal Democrats who are likely to be returned and who would insist on electoral reform and Scottish devolution as pre-conditions for their support .
18 If so , what might the adaptation cost be and who would do it ?
19 I am thinking of purchasing a new Ninety Diesel Turbo hard top , is it possible to have it converted to take a full canvas tilt and who would undertake such a conversion ?
20 Bromley points out that there is a great difference between the truly independent street seller and seasonal workers , who work for a regular wage though not on a permanent basis and who would be included in the informal sector category ( Bromley 1979 ) .
21 And who would you find to lead the clan then , Duart ? ’
22 And the Cid sent for all his friends and his kinsmen and vassals , and told them how King Don Alfonso had banished him from the land , and asked for them who would follow him into banishment , and who would remain at home .
23 And who would have thought he would come home so early ? ’
24 Agnes moved closer to her sister and cried at her , ‘ And who would have thought you were outside consorting with one of the Feltons , eh ?
25 Homelessness is often not thought to be a rural problem but there are some unemployed whose job searches in the city have failed and who would rather be unemployed in the countryside .
26 It is for this reason we currently have the ludicrous situation of two record fish lists , one run by the National Anglers Council , which is a record of fish that were claimed in accordance with a set of inflexible rules , and one that is run by the National Association of Specialist Anglers , whose record fish appear according to individual merit , this merit being judged by highly experienced specialist anglers who know a ‘ con ’ when they see one and who would reject a claim if there were any doubt as to its truth .
27 At the same time , the new accent on ‘ community care ’ means that elderly people and disabled children who have reached a certain level of dependency and inability to cope — and who would once have gone into hospital or residential care — are now encouraged to remain at home .
28 My reply is that there are many on the dole who do not share this view and who would far rather have a job .
29 They are not for those who insist that learning must be a serious business and who would feel embarrassed to be caught reading a ‘ comic book ’ .
30 She was supposed to be pregnant and perhaps Scotland might still get its heir but would it be a male prince and who would protect him over the coming years ?
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