Example sentences of "[conj] as a " in BNC.

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1 Not that the atmosphere was gloomy : it is a curious fact that as a general election approaches , excitement builds up even in the most hopeless fight .
2 From an argument based on such negative evidence it may be that as a hunting weapon they were more common than the record suggests , having such a high use-value that they were not disposed of at burial ; if accepted this would also say something of the use-value of weaponry .
3 The Italian thinks that if he can ever sing Puccini the climax of his life has been reached ; but even so , with all the omissions that can be charged against Italy — such that as a musical country she ceased to exist after the seventeenth century and has certainly reached deliquescence with Messrs Malpiero , Pratella and Co — she even now does produce from time to time singers who are not merely singers but great artists , as Battistini who , at over 60 , is an example for those who can take it of the extent to which a voice can be preserved in all its beauty when it is used as a musical instrument and not as a fog siren or a pair of nutcrackers . ’
4 In all three areas the impact upon the third party of the actions of other actors is beyond the control of the former ; indeed from its perspective it may be of little import whether the behaviour of other States inter se is consensual or coercive , until the degree of coercion becomes such that as a member of the international community it must recognise and respond to an illegal act .
5 In this case , Her Majesty 's inspectorate is not being transferred and its role will remain the same except that as a public organisation it will be made more independent of the Secretary of State .
6 People from different families live and work in the same area and as a result women are forced into Burkhas . ’
7 And as a little extra , the whole family is remembered through the generosity of the school 's industrial ‘ twin ’ — Triton plc , Britain 's leading shower manufacturer — which offers £10 cash back for every Triton shower purchased at Payless DIY , Nuneaton when your child takes up a place at Manor Park .
8 He insisted on wearing his Sunday best for such an important occasion , and as a mark of deference to the young master .
9 It is disheartening to come to terms with the fact that your metabolism has adjusted to such a small calorie intake , and as a result your weight is unlikely to change .
10 In the first flush of enthusiasm for the ‘ molecules of memory ’ many experimenters failed to take the precautions necessary to control for such biochemical and behavioural ambiguities , and as a result their research — and with it the entire field — became discredited .
11 The epitaph on the tombstone of a man of seventy-four , buried at East Tytherley , cites Job : ‘ Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age , like as a shock of corn cometh in his season . ’
12 We have still to remember its variations , in the changing periods and structures of such societies , but as a categorical distinction it is reasonably clear .
13 He was ultimately allowed £49,752 of such ‘ pretences ’ , but as an ex gratia payment which did not take in further claims of £46,803 .
14 Er that which makes it as critical as as a lot of er paper work .
15 Of course , insiders are well aware of the drama which surrounds interrogation and do not need to be reminded or really welcome such information being made public , for as a detective colleague pointed out after reading Irving 's paper , ‘ if we do n't use fear , force , fraud or the promise , how do they think we are going to clear up the crime and get the coughs the system needs to survive ? ’
16 As we shall see in Chapter 5 , under the present arrangements the Bank agrees always to provide assistance in such circumstances , though as a monopoly buyer of bills/monopoly supplier of liquidity it can impose its own terms .
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