Example sentences of "[conj] say his " in BNC.

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1 No club was named in the piece but Wyre Boat Angling Club have complained to Angler 's Mail that they recognized themselves as the targets of Bob 's attack — and say his comments are inaccurate , totally unjustified and reflect solely a minority view .
2 Like Tanya , he has no bad feelings towards his employers and says his redundancy was handled well .
3 Gregory 's father Ralph , who the boy claims is an alcoholic who abused him , did not contest the action and says his son will be better off with foster parents .
4 So me mam says so he went in the house and says his , his wife 's name , he said , give me a pencil and paper .
5 Well I 've cooked him one , cos it 's no good if he waltzes in in half an hour and says his hungry .
6 as if saying his name to herself had magically conjured him up , Jessamy heard his voice behind her .
7 After rising and saying his prayers , the poet should retire to his study and … engage in the study of the ancillary sciences : lexicography , metrics and so forth The second quarter of the day should be devoted to poetic composition …
8 With a great qualm mining at him inwardly , Cameron got up on a tree stump and said his piece .
9 He expected his troops would take two more towns and said his fighters now controlled the whole of Highway 69 , along the Thai frontier , north of Sisophon .
10 Andrew Neil , editor of The Sunday Times , welcomed the commission 's decision and said his newspaper would certainly pursue the case to the bitter end .
11 He asked me what I was going to wear and said his mam had just bought him a new duffle coat and did I like it , ’ she says .
12 But half an hour later he again addressed the Conference on European Security and said his speech had been a spoof .
13 David was the oldest competitor and said his win surprised him and his wife Denise , who was there to share his big moment .
14 So I kept up the act , I opened the door and said his name in a quiet voice and hobbled weakly across the cellar and up the steps .
15 But the Strangford MP was unrepentant and said his comments were ‘ completely accurate ’ .
16 He showed me £15 and said his train ticket was £16 and he needed the £1 to get home to his wife and child .
17 He is in the process of changing his swing and said his old method had started to show up a little too much .
18 Tayside 's deputy chief constable William Spence , noting the report , said there had been various elements of improvement and said his force was still above the national average in detection .
19 Allison Hillhouse , the Scottish director of Action for Smoking and Health , which backed Mr McTear 's legal action , described him as a very brave man and said his death was a sad event to everyone .
20 ‘ A man met us at the door and said his wife Sheila Brown was still in the bungalow .
21 a fortnight afterwards he rung up and said his boss had sm something had smashed into his car , and he wanted a car .
22 And all the people answered and said his blood be on us and our , and on our children .
23 We had had a superb day 's climbing , and to say his death was tragic is an understatement .
24 The common people do not blame me or my husband for Buckingham 's downfall but say his fate was star-crossed by this house .
25 Mr Talbot refers to a meeting last December at which Kevin Maxwell refused to discuss the transactions for fear of self-incrimination , but says his investigations indicate that certain of the payments were made on Mr Maxwell 's authority and that his response is ‘ urgently ’ needed .
26 Hoddle says he expects the Italians to be a highly skilled team , but says his own side will contain some talented players .
27 He 's admitted twice telling lies to the police , but says his wife was trying to set him up and he did n't want detectives to believe her story .
28 The Bishop of Derry goes into his office every morning but says his workload has been cut very drastically .
29 Mr Harper wanted Mr Major to stop the closures but says his letter has been sent from ‘ pillar to post ’ from Downing Street to the Department of Environment and on to the Health Department without a word from Mr Major .
30 He confirmed that Scottish police visited Talb on Tuesday but said his client refused to speak to them .
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