Example sentences of "[conj] you know " in BNC.

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1 This task orientation is not unlike the ‘ foreshadowing ’ mental set of the ideas game , not perhaps in the example of exercise quoted above , but in those kinds of exercises where you know the outcome before you start .
2 Where you know from eh ? ’ she flashed at him , ‘ Here , gim me that glass .
3 So , shop where you know there is high turnover of produce .
4 Rent a nice little flat somewhere where you know exactly what your outgoings are — where you know you 're not responsible for anything .
5 Rent a nice little flat somewhere where you know exactly what your outgoings are — where you know you 're not responsible for anything .
6 Where you know , the readout on the lathes etcetera er were easily seen and er easily operated .
7 Well that 's something we would obviously have to sort of , I mean maybe it 's something where you know I mean with the
8 an in and ecta er , an industry day done where you know , it 's about the qualities needed in the young person , they have a certificate that they 're going to have to say they 've got these qualities , right ?
9 But I think he 's a bit worried I read into this that there 's a current there where you know the peasants are getting very radical , our is we ca n't be too radical and therefore we need to issue something which is gon na .
10 Where you know so as not to have to risk going having to go to an expensive B and B because all the cheap places have gone .
11 Where where you know that he can go out to the market for a popular metric bearing and and slaughter the old price
12 Where you know I would just take things in my stride .
13 where you know , well it never used to be like that .
14 It was like falling into a black well , where you knew there would never be light , or it was like being cast adrift on a night ocean when you knew no ships would ever pass .
15 It was you , Nadine , come here to leave this letter where you knew I 'd be bound to see it .
16 Mm mm mm , what 's happening ? now you know , you woul it 's not standard form , do n't confuse it With standard form , you always have integer indices here .
17 Either that or you know that the press has completely run out of lies to write about you .
18 Did either or you know about this !
19 If you do — or you know someone who does , then this is for you .
20 Either we can influence and help that to be to be good or or you know if that 's a failure then see whether they can help us to produce one for the town .
21 Or you know whatever turns up .
22 Now , I do n't know whether that 's because i in your house there is n't a husband or a partner , or whether it did n't occur to you to say we , whether you always think of it as I or whether he 's out winning bread or you know , wha whatever it is , but
23 And many of my staff in s in not just but one or two others , see this as the tail wagging the dog if you like where somebody says , you will do so and so , or you know , I 'm telling you you 'll do this .
24 If you could only stretch or you know turn your head a certain way it would run out .
25 But round here you could just walk er to the shop and get mugged or you know your girlfriend could get raped , kids can get assaulted , anything .
26 And they come round and sweep up outside or you know near enough every day .
27 And I know it 's difficult to get people motivated when they 've been hit down and hit down so often , er but and I do n't think that you could do er any great erm as as we said when we went into the flats , we did n't go in with any big , world shattering ideas of of causing a revolution or you know , of doing er putting on a big project or anything , it was actually to be with the people in their situation and gradually to help improve somehow , if we could .
28 And I know like er there there were lots of things kids there on roller skates going along , walkways , people were shouting at them or you know trying to clear them off .
29 If someone comes and they 've actually run out of food , and they 've you know , for some reason or other their giro is either held up or you know , they 've had a big expense er which they 've had to pay , then we would provide them with something .
30 . Or it stands up or you know you you go and put it in the cupboard , and all of a sudden there 's a there 's a there 's a face looking at you , you know .
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