Example sentences of "[conj] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Several yeomen in Rutland were described as servants , while the Discourse of the Common Weal comments ‘ xl a yeare was good honeste wages for a yeoman afore this time , and xxd a wekes borde wages was sufficient ’ .
2 & this Helianor was of the daughters , heirs
3 The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency estimated that the programme would require US$4,640 million annually , although where this money should come from had not yet been finalized .
4 ‘ We wanted to find out where this money could really make a difference and were excited by what we saw . ’
5 It is in the initial anticipation that the middle class will show respect that the bias lies , for where this deference is lacking , even from someone who appears middle class , a variant of the gouger typification comes into force .
6 Several cases have arisen where this idea has been tested .
7 This way of creating more plebeian characters is fully demonstrated in Ashton 's comic masterpiece La Fille Mal Gardée , where this style of dance is shown in two different aspects , the light-hearted yet technically highly expert dancing of Lise and Colas and the comically eccentric work of Alain and the Cock and Hens .
8 Where this expertise is ‘ syphoned off ’ into a separate department , the problem naturally arises as to whether :
9 But where this liberty was not balanced by responsibility the Reformation made man so free under God that it was only a short step to his being free from God .
10 Where this gas had combined with the monsoon rains it had produced weak solutions of sulphuric acid and these had etched the exposed architectural surfaces to a dead white .
11 This is especially true in the context of Latin America where this kind of duality and fusion has been a feature of culture from the time of the conquest right up until today — both on the popular and the intellectual level .
12 The law reports contain a number of examples where this kind of neglect has led to a successful unfair dismissal claim .
13 Many homes have a notice board where this kind of information is displayed .
14 Where this kind of space exists , informal relationships need not always subvert formal goals .
15 The phenomenon here may be the breaking up ( perhaps by storm ) of the hard crusty surface which forms over deep lakes of liquid mud in the Arabah rift valley where this incident occurred .
16 But then there are other forms where this description does not suggest itself , or might not be admitted if it did : for example , ballroom dancing , which would be normally set down simply as ‘ a pleasurable social activity ’ ( and as such different from art ? ) .
17 Even if the buyer relies on the seller 's skill or judgment , the implied condition can not be invoked where this reliance is unreasonable .
18 Search responds by finding every instance where this word appears .
19 Where this branches , take the left hand fork and where this road branches , bear right .
20 Where this range of charts scores is by including all the information on the one chart rather than having to go to other sources of reference .
21 They had a video , about two songs back , where this bloke 's following a woman and she 's looking around .
22 over where this bloke and she said , ooh do you mind me feeding the geese here ?
23 Where this awareness of corporate crime has been expressed elector-ally , corporate victims have benefited .
24 Where this lane ends , continue forward through gate by National Trust sign for Manor Mill and follow left edge of field , at end of which keep to left of seat .
25 It is sometimes said that few young people get involved in CPRW 's work , but this is certainly not the case at our Annual Youth Environment Conference where this year , as ever , 100% of the delegates were under 21 !
26 Everyone then retired to the Clubhouse for some apres golf where this year 's Captain , Dugald Ferguson presented Eddie with both trophies .
27 Other provisions protect some community charge payers from the effects of the change from rates where this change would result in large increases in their payments .
28 We can make use of regular solution theory to obtain an expression for ΔH M where this change in energy is assumed to arise from the formation of new solvent-polymer ( 1–2 ) contacts on mixing which replace some of the ( 1–1 ) and ( 2–2 ) contacts present in the pure solvent , and the pure polymer components respectively .
29 Is there a relationship with an individual or group at work where this principle applies to you ?
30 Conversely , in families where this norm does not apply the Act stipulated the use of alternative care provisions and could not authorize the use of support within such family units .
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