Example sentences of "[conj] he may " in BNC.

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1 Yet Bethlehem the place is no more special , really , than any other place now : because the coming of Christ into our world has sanctified every place , every place becomes holy , where he may be found : your homes , your places of work , and , yes , in a special way , churches like this glorious Cathedral of Wells .
2 According to myth , Cronus was placed in the heavens , where he may be seen as the planet SATURN .
3 I compared myself to a dog who has got hold of a large piece of meat , and runs away with it to a corner , where he may devour it in peace , without any fear of others taking it from him . ’
4 He recommended Richard Coppin [ q.v. ] as his successor and emigrated to Barbados in about 1655 , where he may later have been investigated for organizing conventicles .
5 Commissioned in the 4th Regiment of Foot , he fought at the battle of the Boyne in 1690 and then served in the Netherlands , where he may have gained experience of hydraulic engineering .
6 Among the property Margaret inherited was ‘ the house with the ways , walks , etc. ’ in the parish of St Andrew 's , Holborn , which Berthelet had reserved to his own use , and where he may have lived during his retirement .
7 When John Nobles , a kersey clothier in the West Riding parish of Kirkburton , made his will in 1715 he directed his supervisors to ‘ chuse such a master for my son where he may learn both the clothier trade and husbandry ’ when he reached the age of 14 .
8 The building owner may either employ a builder to carry out the work or opening up and eradication , or he may call in one of the numerous specialist firms to deal with the attack .
9 Or he may try to trade in that idea for something he might think would be almost as valuable , the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Germany .
10 Perhaps , too , someone may lack the power to defend his rights , or he may go too far in his own defence .
11 He may have proportional representation , or he may not ; he wo n't say .
12 He says that the squeeze on his income under a Labour government may mean that his wife would have to look for work , or he may seriously consider taking his skills abroad .
13 He might have the likely lads behind him : Pringle from Kenya , Foster from Colchester , Waugh from Sydney and various waifs and strays that Essex Man has housed ; or he may be ready to bat .
14 He might have the likely lads behind him : Pringle from Kenya , Foster from Colchester , Waugh from Sydney and various waifs and strays that Essex Man has housed ; or he may be ready to bat .
15 Or he may be so sick he ca n't get up .
16 He may not have lost his ability to balance , or he may have relearned it through his therapy sessions .
17 The doctor may refer the patient to a dietician for a specific regime , or he may prescribe a laxative to ease the congestion .
18 If he has severe perceptual problems , for instance , you may need to keep reminding him where his face is by helping him to touch it , or he may keep forgetting to shave or wash the left half of his face .
19 The patient might manage to cut up his own food with a combined knife and fork , or he may even learn to cut his food with one hand , alternating cutting and eating using a normal knife and fork .
20 Either Frederick became ill because of their privations , or he may already have been suffering from pneumonia , which was worsened by the hard journey .
21 Would it be fair to say that you accepted his decision when you thought it was the right decision , regardless of whether he may have been depressed or he may have been under the influence of drugs or some other pressure ?
22 Whatever a non-teaching staff member 's job , she or he may contribute in a positive way to its success .
23 Mr Smith may be very depressed or he may be having a nap .
24 The person who acts like a chicken or conducts an orchestra for the stage hypnotist may be play acting , or he may genuinely feel that it is the hypnotist , not himself , who is taking responsibility for his actions .
25 Or he may be looking for a particular foodplant , or flower for nectar , searching for a special smell or a particular electromagnetic emission .
26 Your son may live , or he may die .
27 If you are not called in , you will be asked to leave the ring — do n't despair , another judge may like your horse or he may be more suitable for another type of class .
28 Or he may be planning to sell , in which case he can risk a dinner party without being trapped into intimacy .
29 The break-up specialist may have an interest in retaining certain parts of the company or he may wish to dispose of all of it to other companies .
30 Or he may know exactly what he 's doing — and be doing it for reasons his companions know nothing of , his meaning anything but benevolent .
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