Example sentences of "[conj] i tell " in BNC.

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1 So , erm you might not get on to number four , if you do , or I tell you to start , can you think of two or three images to add to it which would , which would fit in with the others .
2 The nomes exchanged meaningful glances , and the kind of meaning they were full of was : She 's fooling herself , but it 'd take a braver nome than me to tell her .
3 He thinks nothing of staying up till two or three o'clock in the morning in casinos , although I tell him it 's very , very bad for one 's constitution to have irregular hours .
4 I suppose I fancied him although I told myself that it was just that I felt sorry for him .
5 I never took them far from home , although I told Nonni I intended to in order to prevent her accompanying me , inventing expeditions to the common where she might tear her stockings on the brambles , or to the recreation ground which was a mile away , too far for her to walk in high-heeled shoes .
6 My self-esteem disappeared and I felt worthless , although I told myself that I was still an attractive woman , that there was no need to feel sexually inadequate . ’
7 They will obviously be an extremely happy couple , although I told Miss Ingram something about the Rochester property which made her look quite depressed .
8 I mean , I let him spend all that money on me , and although I told myself it was fair , it was n't .
9 ‘ Look , I am Simpkin 's right hand man and he believes that I tell him .
10 I 'm going to have some headed notepaper as soon as I can get the laser printer printing out things that I tell it to rather than printing out Courier Ten .
11 And it is with every confidence that I tell you I am sure that this young couple will have a very happy marriage , and I would ask you to join me in wishing them both a long , happy , and prosperous future together .
12 You ken when there , there are , this , this old Mary that I tell you about er , she 'd had smallpox when she was young , she used to be a herring gutter .
13 That I tell lies , Fran , to save my neck ?
14 I ca n't do that I tell you , I mean I do n't mind , do n't get me wrong it 's just that I was the last one back up and I got up there , still got a little bit of to do and they got more than they did
15 I think it was Angie and Tony , going back to that incredible support that I told you about when I first met them , that they were also dreamers and had such faith and believed in David 's future and his destiny .
16 It was n't until my second year that I told anything like the truth about my father .
17 I am afraid that I told him to go away and not be silly .
18 That I told Oliver I 'd put them down the waste-disposal and the phone went silent , and when I finally said , ‘ Are you still there ? ’ he just answered , ‘ I love you , ’ and hung up .
19 " But I 've come to say that I told the police station 43 is an agreed squat .
20 And it , it was n't until many years later that I told anyone at all that 's , that 's the thing I was saying about bulimia , it 's very secret .
21 Unfortunately , after the first six or seven freebies things got a little hazy and I understand that I told everyone that Singh and his brothers ( no relation ) were indeed going to build a superstore on ‘ The Tip ’ , but that they were also going to spend £2,000,000 on a new stadium for Athletico to be built on top of Mitchley cemetery .
22 Then his wife was frightened , and she said , " It is only a tale that I told you to ease your heart .
23 When you asked how Tom and the children were , you must have thought it odd that I told you what Tom , and Alison and Cheryl were doing without really mentioning Peter .
24 I 'm sorry that I told you now .
25 You see and that al old aunt that I told you about she always referred this road through as the new road .
26 I forget how it was that I told Maurice Reckitt about it before Eliot , who usually received prior intelligence about my activities in this sphere .
27 It was when we had settled down to talk in comfortable armchairs that I told him that the man for whom I had substituted at Marlborough , in the hope of replacing him altogether , now planned to return , so that once more I should be out of a job .
28 And all the lies that I told you were to try to escape the lie that was my life .
29 Peter Noonan has been patiently waiting in the wings for six years , and finally , whether it was seeing Terry so happy , realising that she was n't getting any younger , or the fact that I told her I was thinking of getting married , sh — ’
30 ‘ The allegations that I told Mr Sugar that Mr Clough liked a bung are untrue .
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