Example sentences of "[conj] i say " in BNC.

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1 Before I had really recovered , I found myself at the railway station , where I said goodbye to Dulcie and we went our separate ways , promising to keep in touch , as one does .
2 ‘ I once gave a speech where I said that most of recorded music was like stuffed birds in a cage , that do n't sing .
3 My flower — the one that I remember best out of many — was gathered where I said it had been .
4 Because I know when I feel happy I feel quite well ’ , while a 74-year-old farmer 's widow stated ‘ I 've reached the stage now where I say is n't it lovely and good to be alive , seeing all the lovely leaves on the trees , it 's wonderful to be alive and to able to stand and stare ! ’ .
5 So you 'll do as I say , when and where I say .
6 bit here and I thought god that so I thought right I 'm gon na change places in that seat but your father 's sitting on , alright , I said go in that back seat , just behind us there were there or I said or I 'm just coming to sit where you are , I said I ca n't do four hours sitting like this , I mean I 'd have been boss eyed before I got , well I was I , I , all say look at that cloud
7 Or I said the money you do n't spend .
8 Or I say , yes , Chief Inspector- ’ His voice took on a mincing mimicking tone .
9 Wilkinson , who has cajoled and bullied to knock Cantona into shape , joked that the language barrier is still there because ‘ If I 'm saying nice things about him he seems to understand — if I suggest he works harder or I say nasty things , he finds that harder to comprehend . ’
10 or I say chicken alright ?
11 Will you find it easier than me to say , what their .
12 'Cause I said that before , and they go well why do you need to wait ?
13 But although I said I was reasonably Spartan , this bare Nissen hut and my little windy bivouac pall a bit at times .
14 The Cabinet did behave as a Cabinet and although I said earlier about the Treasury being forced to disgorge information when the DEA existed , that was n't the case to the same extent in 1976 .
15 Actually , although I said ‘ he ’ , when the body was examined it turned out to be that of a woman in male dress .
16 ‘ As to your first point , although I said that the members do n't necessarily all know each other , I have personally recognised every resident here in this Lodge .
17 Although I said to my husband when I was pregnant , what if I have a handicapped baby ?
18 They realise that their route to the Community can be opened only if their countries are practising real democracy in respect of human rights , and multi-party Parliaments — although I said to my Polish friends , ’ You can go a bit too far . ’
19 We ought to really , although I said we 'll leave them a lot of behind than the dinosaurs .
20 Now going back to this handicraft , although I said I really did n't want to be committed to all the meetings , I 'm quite happy to carry on with the handicraft , providing you do n't expect me to turn up at every meeting .
21 I had started knowing nothing about houses , nothing about building , precious little about planning , and I ended up — although I say it myself — pretty well informed .
22 Although I say so myself , I am not without skill , having represented the county at schoolboy level .
23 ( I was getting quite good then , although I say it myself ) and I said : ‘ Now the King is here .
24 ‘ It 's done , and although I say so me'self , it 's one of the neatest jobs I 've ever performed . ’
25 He did n't interfere here , Uncle saw to that , so I 've had a free hand in the shop and although I say it myself I 've made a go of it . ’
26 What you might do , although I say you 'd reject this particular model and that
27 Although I say it myself , I 'm pretty good with a tin-opener . ’
28 Although I say that this story could really happen , I doubt that there would be the character of Simon in reality as I think that a boy his age would realise the dangerous situation he was in , and join the other boys .
29 When I was arrested in August , one charge against me was that I said I wanted free elections , ’ said Mr Carnogursky , aged 45 .
30 And that was the film with the scene of the boy coming into the bar that I said I thought of when I saw Boy coming in sometimes .
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