Example sentences of "[conj] it really " in BNC.

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1 Bureaucracies , for example , are almost invariably forced to embrace a de minimis rule in order to be able to achieve their tasks where it really matters .
2 But where it really takes off is in the central performances by De Niro and Williams .
3 Mike is always the first man on the drive , where it really hurts , and he can stay on his feet .
4 Dredge tried to hog the credit , but it 's clear to me where it really belongs .
5 ‘ But you 're still not hitting him where it really hurts . ’
6 As I looked through the viewer I had the feeling , momentarily , that it really was what I had dreamed about for so long , a sort of crystal ball in which I could call up everything I had ever known .
7 It was n't until the final two weeks of term that it really hit me that I was actually going to have to go .
8 He should understand that ‘ the story of Christ is simply a true myth : a myth working on us in the same way as the others , but with this tremendous difference that it really happened : and one must be content to accept it in the same way . ’
9 And as I looked at Jimmy Boyce , ex-industrial tiler , ex-foundry worker , ex-redundant foundry worker , I realised that it really was the law of the jungle here tonight .
10 Not only is the creature convincingly modelled and animated , but ray tracing and lighting effects are used to give accurate refraction and reflection so that it really does look as if it is made of water .
11 If we knew how it was produced , for example not by moving a pencil round on one end of a taut thread , but along one fixed at both ends , we could conclude that it really is an ellipse and not a circle .
12 The adpeople 's nostalgic remoulding of this period attempted to persuade Britain 's youth that it really was hankering for those wholesome , innocent , optimistic times when guys courted gals with dignity , respect and slick-back haircuts .
13 Friends who have seen our 60-minute plot in action are amazed that it really is working .
14 Sunday was always the same in the Lewis home — now that it really was the Lewis home ; for the first ten years of Jo 's life her mother had been away making films and her father had been away on business so much that the main house had been a ghost dwelling ; the Chippendale and Sheraton furniture was draped in dust sheets .
15 It has the illusions of being part of the process by which your priorities may be achieved but , looked objectively , it is unlikely that it really contributes to this aim .
16 The ‘ unit of desire ’ however , is admitted to be a presumption , but if it were possible to prove with scientific exactitude that it really existed then it would not be within the province of religion at all , but of science .
17 The most important element in coping with a social interview well is coming to terms with the fact that it really is an interview .
18 Controls can be set up for most of these experiments , e.g. plant cress seed on dry blotting paper as well as wet , so that children begin to realise that it really is the water that is responsible for the change .
19 As ever , the amp is fan-cooled ; with the 3500 head I had expressed reservations about not being able to switch the fan off for recording , but John Henry 's insisted that it really would n't pose a problem in either DI 'd or close-miking situations .
20 We have had such a welter of lies about the NHS from people like Robin Cook that it really is astonishing that their campaign of denigration can actually be exceeded by this piece of filthy insinuation from Widgery . ’
21 TO show that it really cares about working women , the Government has announced that it is to help fund after-school childcare facilities .
22 It is important to see , here , that Wittgenstein is not denying that people do have toothache ( that it really aches ! ) , or even that people sometimes reflect on their feelings and describe them , as in ( h ) .
23 The taken-for-granted world was shown as the fragile construction that it really is .
24 Planting , staking and feeding have been talked and written about so frequently that it really is astounding how many questions and problems still occur about these subjects .
25 And while it is easy enough for an experienced journalist to write that synopsis from memory ( checking for the elusive name of Software Arts and making sure that it really was PrairieTek that vanished last year ) , it would take a deal of research and above all deep thought to put together a dissertation on why things panned out the way they did , the fatal mistakes , the good decisions that each company made to achieve triumph or disaster , or both in quick succession .
26 Making it clear that it really does recognise that the only way to revitalise its languishing business units is to hire outsiders for some of the key positions , IBM Corp late Friday announced that as well as making its AdStar Inc storage unit a wholly-owned subsidiary , it had hired industry veteran Ed Zschau , System Industries Inc founder and one-term Republican representative , to be its chairman and chief executive — and an IBM vice-president , relegating the unit 's former general manager Ray AbuZayyad to the post of president and chief operating officer .
27 But the men themselves , who call it ‘ the muppet shop ’ , remain unconvinced that it really has anything to offer .
28 Not only was literacy not necessarily recognised as more ‘ reliable ’ , but we would be bound to say that it really was not more reliable .
29 Unless the agent can give you figures showing that it really will pay you to cash in your present policy and take out a completely new one , keep it on and top it up with another , smaller policy .
30 If these ideas are taken together , and if three centuries of physics and chemistry are taken as the model to emulate , it is tempting to suggest that it really does not matter what the actors on the international scene have in their minds .
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