Example sentences of "[conj] it too " in BNC.

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1 A similar scumble of white was applied to the heel of one shoe where it too was curved and , for good measure , a few coloured highlights were added along the edges of the strap loops , where the leather 's surface was uneven .
2 If Airbus pulls out , McDonnell-Douglas may still survive , or it too may pull out of the industry , leaving Boeing the sole producer without fear of competition .
3 And so although the disease fits my prescription , and although it too can be usefully linked with a skin complaint ( eczema ) which also flakes away at the body 's surface , I had to abandon asthma .
4 A virtue of the postclassical perspective is that , although it too is concerned with differences in individual dispositions towards crime , it allows more readily for changes in such dispositions , and for a more dynamic relationship between them and the situations in which they are likely to be activated .
5 In that way , so Eliot has suggested , Pound made himself responsible for a whole ‘ period ’ , the period of his lifetime , anxiously impatient that it too lift itself to a higher level .
6 That of the second piece is very similar to the smaller coin , a denarius struck at Rome , and indicates that it too was minted at Rome and then transported to Syria .
7 Tarmac , which made profits of £377 million as recently as 1989 , is expected to announce a plunge to just £30 million this month and the betting is that it too will slash the dividend .
8 However , Israel discovered , just like the United States , that it too could be thwarted by the weaker and more vulnerable contestants in the conflict .
9 Now scientists are saying that the land itself is foreign and that it too has travelled vast distances across ancient oceans — at the rate of some 25 cm a year .
10 Initially this satisfied the Marne growers , since they were pleased that the government had not ratified the Aube 's claim that it too was part of Champagne .
11 He already knew , from collision with it , that the very next zone was of a frigidity so intense that it too would burn like fire .
12 The octopus was a popular and recurring artistic motif , which suggests that it too was fished ; the chalcedony intaglio mentioned above confirms that this was so .
13 The Philistine culture too , developing further south on the coast of Palestine , may have roots in the Minoan trading empire ; Bury ( 1951 ) mentions that an ancient name for Gaza was Minoa , which implies that it too was once a Minoan trading station .
14 One day after the announcement from Comparex Informationssysteme GmbH , Hitachi Data Systems Ltd has announced that it too will be selling Hitachi Ltd 's new mainframes : the main difference between the Hitachi Data Systems machines and those reported yesterday ( CI No 2,128 ) is the name — HDS will fit them into its existing GX line of mainframes .
15 StorageTek says that it too had put some money up for the development and would have marketed the product even without buying the company — although the Viking was seen as a direct competitor to its own Iceberg , Viking is in fact a simpler device with fewer features .
16 Unfortunately , with the decline of the bigger whales like the blue whale , right whale and others in the north Atlantic due to hunting pressures , attention turned to the smaller minke whale with the result that it too is becoming scarcer .
17 Thus it rejected Owen 's bid , revolutionary in concept but illusory in fact , to appropriate all industry into a nationwide industrial democracy : and , by that rejection , but quite unaware that it had done so , left unimpeded the second stage of the Industrial Revolution , the stage that guaranteed that it too would be irreversible , that the continuance of a phenomenal increase in the production of wealth could occur .
18 The payback period is a simple concept which , though dealing with cash flows , is principally flawed by the fact that it too disregards the time value of money .
19 Can you see that it too is ½ of the rectangle ?
20 You will find that it too can be eliminated by re-phrasing .
21 And when we measured the activity of protein kinase C in the membrane we found that it too increased in activity in the left IMHV thirty minutes after training .
22 Without entering upon a detailed examination of this idea , let me simply observe , in the present context , that it too takes for granted that democracy , in the instances considered , has reached a stage of more or less completed development , and can thus be contrasted , as a distinct type of political system , with other types such as totalitarianism , dictatorship or ‘ unstable ’ democracy .
23 They had spoken of exorcism , with reference to Luke 's desire for her , but now Maria acknowledged bitterly that it too would be mutual .
24 The compelling analysis of this anecdote is then shown to have important implications for the reading of some familiar literary text , revealing that it too shares in the cultural presumptions critically uncovered in the anecdote .
25 Romania 's Foreign Ministry had said on Jan. 18 that the organization had " lost its raison d'être " , and that it too favoured its dissolution .
26 As he passed the bank next door he noticed that it too had a side passage , but this one was decked out with tiles and had painted walls .
27 Well I , I think that might be a better fault than it too short if you know what I mean .
28 A similar romantic nationalist tradition was also developing in Russia and it too seems to have influenced Marx .
29 However , the tumour was not entirely destroyed , and it too recovered .
30 The Farrier and Naturalist had also been founded in 1828 and it too was critical of the College , but its style was one of personal attack on Coleman .
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