Example sentences of "[conj] it might " in BNC.

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1 Just as Harry was preparing to aim a kick at this driver where it might hurt , the man offered him more milk , saying that he was a Frenchman doing forced labour and had recognised Harry 's RAF uniform — by now extremely unsuitable for pay parade !
2 This takes a look at where the game has been in the Eighties and where it might be going in future .
3 I can see that now , even though I had no idea at the beginning where it might all lead me .
4 There was still a dark blob , where it might have hit the wall .
5 Apart from these texts there are a few which are revealing for the opposite reason : they deny the existence of a trust where it might have been expected .
6 It could be a hazard only where it might build up in poorly ventilated buildings .
7 Claims to leadership of national antislavery opinion also involved hopes of influencing British government policy where it might make a difference — for example , in negotiations over the continuing problem of slave trade suppression and on particular issues such as American fugitive slaves in British territories or terms for British recognition of the independence of Texas .
8 The only site conserved between rat and human CD2 ( Asn 112 ) places the oligosaccharide at the bottom of domain 2 , where it might interact with the cell surface , opposite the highly basic surface of the GFCC' sheet .
9 The reconceptualisation which feminism is attempting has a direct and vital bearing on central philosophical issues , not only in political philosophy where it might have been expected , but also in epistemology , ontology , philosophy of mind , and ethics .
10 Perhaps the most difficult decision , where it might be appropriate , is to use the face ( or the voice ) of a celebrity or , in particular , a TV , radio or film personality .
11 Space and air and the chance to go at his own pace , and most of all he needed to get away from the Zoo to that place which in the weeks he had been ill he had begun to sense must exist , though he knew neither its name nor where it might be .
12 His uncertainty over what he had and where it might be seemed to indicate that he only drank when he entertained , and that he did n't entertain very often .
13 So my reading of the evidence so far is that they did n't want a body lying around on the river bed , where it might come up sometime , or perhaps even be found by divers , but they wanted him carried under water well out to sea . "
14 To Cnut and some of his contemporaries this world still mattered , and evidence of this has been found where it might have been least expected .
15 However , where the job was a very difficult one involving areas where it might be impossible to gain access even with scaffolding , and the reservation had been specifically drawn to the consumer 's attention , then it would seem reasonable to rely on the clause .
16 It has even refused to injunct a magazine which had published an allegation it could not justify , where it might succeed at trial for other reasons : Soraya Kashoggi sought an injunction to withdraw " Woman 's Own " from circulation when it published a statement that she was having an extra-marital affair with a Head of State .
17 Or it might have been his membership of that dashing elite , the air fighters of World War I.
18 That assessment might also be wrong ( clue to a later article : junk-bond default rates ) or it might be distorted by some other influence ( clue : federal deposit insurance ) .
19 It could be your own or a neighbour 's , or it might belong to a local business , station or pub .
20 The child was perhaps a year old and was engaged in beating his — or it might have been her — mother about the shoulders with tiny chubby fists .
21 Or it might be that you have to learn to give yourself credit for what you are able to achieve .
22 The new slope might be positive , in which case the new fit would be added to the old , or it might be negative , in which case it would be subtracted from the old .
23 Or it might be a disguise . ’
24 Or it might consider itself a success if it can stop providers passing on increases in input prices in full without trying to reduce them by greater efficiency .
25 It might be an informal chat with someone or it might be a formal meeting with a group of people .
26 For example , after the initiating event the electrical power system might succeed in supplying the essential power needs , or it might fail ; if it succeeds then the ECCS might succeed or fail ; and if this fails , then the fission-product scrubbing system , which removes radioactive material that has been released into the reactor 's containment building , might succeed or fail ; finally if this fails then the containment , the ultimate barrier preventing fission products escaping into the environment , might succeed or fail .
27 Within the range of possible error , the Sun 's diameter might be constant — the conclusion proclaimed in the Nature headline — or it might be shrinking , although at only one tenth of the rate claimed by Eddy .
28 Or it might be — the Lord worked , she knew , in mysterious ways — his blessing , that , such a brother ; a saintly trial her worth in heaven .
29 It may work , or it might be just another item from the guitar voodoo handbook .
30 This might happen because he chooses to listen to the recording of the regression , or it might arise spontaneously .
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