Example sentences of "[conj] it only " in BNC.

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1 I , personally , do not think it a very good idea to have carpet in the dining room where it only picks up smells and gets dirtier more quickly than in most places since people do , without fail , drop things .
2 Yakovlev devotes loving attention to the single , insignificant sovkhoz ( state farm ) in the whole area , although it only employed eleven people .
3 ‘ Greece strongly supports a stronger role for the European Parliament , although it only has 24 seats .
4 Mike Nichols stated that one of his ambitions behind the movie was ‘ to stop the Los Angelesisation of America ’ , although it only added to the Los Angelesisation of American movies .
5 Although it only cost about eightpence ha'penny an ounce then .
6 Although it only contains a small number of members , we have here a distinct and interesting adjective type , which among other things strikingly illustrates the unconscious linguistic skill of ordinary speakers ( see also Appendix B Section 5 ) .
7 Although it only appears in the sources c.1200 this may not be significant , for the chronicler does not refer to Eadric as Streona or to Edmund as Ironside , but there is eleventh-century evidence for both names .
8 Erm , I mean I think if we 're wishing to analyse the application , I I think we must consider what it does n't do for the village , and I think there are a number of aspects that have to be considered , erm , first of all as a village , and I 've heard in this very Parish Council that the reputed view made that there is a need for small village accommodation , this development certainly does not provide that , we 've also expressed a view that it would be nice to retain the existing bungalow , because that is small village accommodation , and although it only has a very limited history , again it would be nice to retain it as an integral part of the village .
9 But although it only takes a few minutes , life without thick glasses has a cost .
10 Again , it 's a questin of matching the kit to the age of the child because some of them erm — the one we have at home , for example , plugs into the mains and although it only pushes out six or nine volts at the end the child actually does have to plug it in and , well I do n't think I 'd be happy if my six or seven year old was doing that , although my nine year old could cope with it quite happily .
11 Again , it 's a question of matching the kit to the age of the child because some of them erm — the one we have at home , for example , plugs into the mains and although it only pushes out six or nine volts at the end the child actually does have to plug it in and , well I do n't think I 'd be happy if my six or seven year old was doing that , although my nine year old could cope with it quite happily .
12 The main thing to realise with trailer driving is that it only takes one mistake to wreck the trailer and a nice glider , as well as possibly writing off a new car .
13 Barbel Bohley , a founder of the New Forum reform group , said on West German television that ‘ one has the feeling that it only needs a spark for everything to blow up here ’ .
14 THE MOST remarkable thing about Graham Watkins 's Macbeth is that it only has two women .
15 His department said that it only kept records of strikes lasting more than three days and involving more than 100 people .
16 This should be set so that it only comes out under considerable pressure .
17 However , in terms of formulating what happens next ( as required by a continuation study ) , the constraint is soft in that it only raises both the probability of the two characters playing the same role in an elaborated representation .
18 Bearing in mind that it only takes 20 milligrams of this poi-son to kill a dog , and that a cat is equally susceptible , it is clear that here we have a serious threat to an incautious feline .
19 Bible I saw that it only got 68% .
20 AY has admitted negligence in relation to the stock over-statement , provided that WG can prove the fraud took place , but the firm is claiming that it only owed a duty of care to Alkar as its auditor , and not to Walker Greenbank , even though it audited the group accounts .
21 AY 's defence centred around the claim that it only owed a duty of care to Alkar , as its auditor , and not to WG , even though it also audited the WG group accounts .
22 THE trouble with the newly published list of the richest women in Britain is that it only confirms men 's worst prejudices .
23 ‘ It is vital that they are aware that it only gives protection against one of the many strains of the disease .
24 They feel guilty about getting so ratty , can see that it only serves to make things worse by souring relationships , yet they are unable to stop themselves .
25 The key point here is that it only attempts to link the islands into a loosely coupled way , and avoids the expensive development work needed to synchronise the two systems together exactly .
26 The drawback of multi-threading is that it only allows whole processes to run on individual CPUs and is unsuited for particularly large applications .
27 Indeed the Court of Appeal in Phekoo expressed the opinion that it only applied to rape but I hope that one might interpret that to mean ‘ rape-like offences ’ , that is all offences where the mistake in question relates to a circumstance qualified by mens rea .
28 This is made worse by the fact that few butchers hang their lamb these days , despite the fact that it only needs about a week to bring on the flavour .
29 These are the grounds for our repeated assertions that the designer of the unit must ensure that it only demands an achievable extension of the repertoire of transactions of the teachers for whom it is intended .
30 It might be that it only affected the absorption and emission processes of black bodies and did not represent an abiding individuality — like drips from a tap which merge into the mass of fluid lying in the basin .
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