Example sentences of "[conj] have an " in BNC.

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1 The woman who is fearful of or has an aversion to sex at 30 , unless some remedial circumstance intervenes , will be still more so at 70 .
2 Similarly Lord Scarman said that if the dispute were connected with one of the matters referred to in the statute ( for example , terms and conditions of employment ) then ‘ it is a trade dispute , and it is immaterial whether the dispute also relates to other matters or has an extraneous , e.g. political or personal , motive .
3 There is no convincing evidence that advertising influences total consumption or has an impact on levels of alcohol abuse .
4 As for the other matter , it sounds like your dog could have earned his scabs by either defending himself , or having an argument with a cat .
5 ‘ There 's nothing special about being a heavyweight or having an Olympic gold medal in the United States .
6 Admission was only granted to those born in Britain or having an ancestral link stretching back two generations , those who had lived in Britain for five years , and spouses of patrials .
7 ‘ That might involve talking to pupils about the history of shopping , lecturing them on the siting of a supermarket or having an environmental open day in a store , ’ education manager Lesley Shanahan says .
8 Where drug actions are known , they have been found to exert an effect on the body 's metabolic processes — that is , our inner chemical workings — inhibiting or stimulating enzyme function or having an effect on their control mechanisms .
9 Though eclipsed or subdued to some extent during the military period of 1966 to 1979 , it has flourished again since , with each of the five political parties owning , or having an influence over , newspapers and radio stations .
10 Going for a long walk in the country on a Sunday afternoon when you 've got a lot of marking still to do , or having an affair with a colleague — they could go either way .
11 The major recommendation was that brewers be prevented from owning or leasing , or having an interest in , or an exclusive relationship with any more than 2,000 on-licensed outlets in the UK .
12 ‘ It 's weird how people think that Craig and I are together — they assume we must be going out or having an affair , ’ says Jo .
13 Community nurses and health visitors are paid a mileage allowance but you will also want to know who pays for what if you should break down or have an accident , and whether you can claim an allowance against income tax for general depreciation .
14 One way of preventing siphonage is to fit a vent pipe — a separate pipe , connected after the trap , leading to the stack — or to have an anti-siphon valve connected into the wastepipe ( see drawing ) .
15 Whether that mistake is to have a troubled upbringing , or to have a baby without access to childcare support , or to have an industrial accident .
16 I just think it 's sick that , if the three of us got ill or had an accident right now , we 'd be broke .
17 He had never married or had an association with any woman as far as Michael knew .
18 However , many academic courses have or had an implicit point of reference in school-teaching , and many are organized in institutes or professional or subject associations .
19 If I had felt that I could n't cope with him , I probably would have had him adopted , or had an abortion , but it was my choice to have him .
20 To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what are the total number of residents of Northern Ireland who have been questioned under the Prevention of Terrorism Act and ( a ) subsequently charged and ( b ) convicted or had an exclusion order placed upon them since 1974 .
21 This action is available if , at the time of the conversion , the plaintiff was in possession of the goods ( The Jag-Shakti [ 1986 ] 1 AC 337 ) or had an immediate right of possession of them .
22 Or had an operation but there was no scare though !
23 She may fall ill , or have an accident while you were out , or set the house on fire and herself , so that you would not want to leave her even to go shopping .
24 An important principle of treatment is that it should control the hypertension to an acceptable degree , be free from side-effects and not cause either an unacceptable deterioration of glycaemic control or have an adverse effect on blood lipids .
25 There are two ways of tackling this problem : strengthen auditors ' independence or have an immensely detailed cookbook of accounting rules .
26 In this world-famous entertainment centre , enjoy lavish stage shows , excellent food or have an flutter in one of the many casinos .
27 Nobody except his lawyers and myself know his whereabouts or have an address and it might be as well to leave it at that .
28 The former tend to have homologies , that is be the relevant consumers of ( or have an elective affinity with ) the productions of ‘ consecrated artists ’ ( priests ) , while the intellectuals have homologies with the avant-garde or ‘ artistes maudits ’ .
29 The Okapi '86 procedure would be improved by the use of an exception list containing words which can not safely be made singular or have an " ing " ending removed ( " rights " " housing " " painting " ) .
30 Entrants must be aged 16 to 25 , and must not have done any professional modelling or have an existing portfolio .
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