Example sentences of "[modal v] never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Likewise you should never burrow or bury cabling under the carpet because the same thing happens .
2 And while we should never pretend that the distinctions are adequate , in their usually rather complacent conventional forms , it would be quite wrong to disregard the actual or attempted social relations , of an alternative kind , which the attempts at differentiation , and the initiatives and marginal institutions corresponding to them , undoubtedly represent .
3 I disagree and think that a lone driver should never give lifts to strangers .
4 I was being utterly foolish ; my duty was to stay on , do A-levels , and go on to Oxford or Cambridge ( which took an extra term ) ; the local grammar school was not good enough to fulfil this latter purpose and if I went there , I would only be throwing my education away ; and , besides , did I not realise that , in the face of difficulties , one should never give up , but struggle on and thus establish a superior strength of character ?
5 Detective Martyn Lawrence said yesterday : ‘ People should never give away PIN numbers — even to their bank managers .
6 You should never give up or
7 ‘ One day there will be a breakthrough and people should never give up hope .
8 right , but we 've never covered all this see , you 've picked bits up as you 've gone along and another thing you should never give a choice of something and nothing you should always give a choice of something and something else
9 The clinical teacher can guide and advise but should never monopolise the situation .
10 If you are changing your swing technique around to improve your game , it should never necessitate not playing on the course .
11 Maybe Ross should never had got married in the first place .
12 Every survey which involves sampling has its own problems and the social researcher who can call on a statistician for advice should never fail to do so .
13 Aunt Tossie knew that a slavish contentment in marriage should never obliterate further effort .
14 You should never underestimate the value of playing songs , and I highly endorse the idea of doing as much group and solo performance as possible .
15 We should never underestimate the enormity of this challenge .
16 ‘ Professor Summerfield , you should never underestimate the guile of a Time Lord .
17 You should never underestimate a woman 's intuition , you know . ’
18 We should never underestimate the vast range of vernacular knowledge that children bring to school with them when they first arrive .
19 Children under five should never sleep on a top bunk .
20 In a slightly different context , that of the attitude to be adopted by an appellate court where there has been a change in the circumstances of the plaintiff since the trial at first instance , Harman LJ enunciated the principle that , " the court should never speculate where it knows " : Curwen v James [ 1963 ] 1 WLR at p753 .
21 VISITING LADY : Well , Mistress Pamela , I ca n't say I like you so well as this lady does for I should never care , if you were my servant , to have you and your master in the same house together .
22 Whether this visit took place after Anselm 's return to England in September 1100 is unclear , but Anselm left the pope in no doubt about his view of the matter , and the pope promised to send no legate with authority over Canterbury during Anselm 's life time ; but it is clear that he did not , and could not , accept the Canterbury claim made by Anselm , that he should never appoint a legate in England other than the archbishop himself .
23 Erm it suggests that you should never appoint a solicitor or a bank for the reasons of cost .
24 There I ca n't say that that is right you should never appoint a .
25 This one did know his man , and made sure he should never arrive .
26 Should never reverse unless you 're looking out that back window !
27 STRICT time limits on trials — they should never last more than two months .
28 Thus it relies on the most fragrant of spices and should never contain anything hot .
29 That is the democratic way ; and an embarrassed Conservative hierarchy should never forget it .
30 That is the democratic way ; and an embarrassed Conservative hierarchy should never forget it .
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