Example sentences of "[modal v] find [that] " in BNC.

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1 Using this guide , the analyst must find that the following two discourse fragments , one each from stretches of spoken and written discourse , have several such ‘ topics ’ .
2 If he can not deduce that one or other party was to blame he can not send them both away empty-handed but must find that both contributed ( as happened in Baker v Market Harborough Industrial Co-operative Society , Wallace v Richards ( Leicester ) Ltd [ 1953 ] 1 WLR 1472 .
3 Though I can see why you must find that disappointing … ’ she let her gaze drift over his white trousers and faded T-shirt , the same white trousers and faded T-shirt he 'd been wearing earlier ‘ … after all the trouble you 've gone to changing for me . ’
4 ‘ Any investigation that will honestly look at the facts must find that Article 2 was violated .
5 You should find that with regular watering and feeding until the foliage dies down naturally the situation will improve next year .
6 As your fitness increases you should find that you are naturally walking places rather than going by bus or car .
7 If your preparation phase and goal setting has been done carefully and you do not expect yourself to do too much too soon , you should find that for the most part you succeed .
8 Thus we can see the expanded negative reproduction appearing , as Bukharin posited. if we compare the progress of the schemas above with the results if g' had continued at 0.1 we should find that in PP4 W = 23,958 as opposed to the actual 19,073 .
9 There are no easy answers but If you have not already been applying all the techniques listed in this book when applying for jobs you should find that a methodical approach is more productive than previous haphazard applications .
10 Your best bet is to give the person who is going to do most of the riding top priority ; if a five foot five woman and her six foot husband want a horse between them so that she can compete and he can hack , they should find that a 16hh middleweight that is deep through the girth will suit them both .
11 You should find that you can change the output states by pressing the appropriate set or reset switch .
12 Once you have managed it you should find that you do not have any problems on later occasions .
13 As a general rule , you should find that the actual ‘ question ’ offers a useful starting point .
14 They are not intended to be narrowly restrictive , ‘ only-possible ’ solutions : instead , you should find that they suggest what kinds of factors you ought to be identifying in your analysis , and the range of possible solutions we think are sensible .
15 In practice , we should find that any conversational fragment will exhibit patterns of talk in which both ‘ speaking topically ’ and ‘ speaking on a topic ’ are present .
16 Mr. Widdicombe urged that even adopting this approach , I should find that the operation of the port was unreasonable and without proper regard for the interests of the residents .
17 You should find that the answers to questions 4 and 9 are also the same .
18 You should find that your taste for salt becomes less as you progress through the diet programme .
19 You should find that the ice with salt melts more quickly because the salt helps ice to melt .
20 Leave it for longer and you should find that it goes completely solid .
21 If we were to look at the balance sheets of these other banks , we should find that their customers ' deposits had increased and that this increase was matched on the asset side by an increase in their operational balances at the Bank of England .
22 If we were to inspect the balance sheet at intervals as this process continued over time we should find that operational balances were oscillating around their original level while the increases appeared in deposits ( on the liabilities side ) and advances ( on the asset side ) .
23 We said in section 5.1 that when we came to analyse the operation of the discount market from a conventional point of view , we should find that there were a number of curious features .
24 Thus a regression of membership on Β and wages should find that Β has an insignificant effect .
25 It is unfortunate that the considerate father who aims to prevent his daughter becoming the victim of a faithless fortune-hunter or the testator eager that his possessions should not fall into the hands of his widow 's second husband rather than his own children should find that the trust he sets up may well bear double liability to tax , both when the funds are settled in trust and when they are paid out .
26 Er and is the sort of standard one that we were using at Aston when these handouts were written erm but you should find that the same sorts of things are discussed in or in Atkinson .
27 Instead , we might find that performance is improving just before bedtime , and deteriorating after sleep .
28 However , the court might not be satisfied of that ‘ beyond reasonable doubt ’ , and might find that D only intended to cause grievous bodily harm .
29 But if you ask him to spare a couple of hours to help out at a St John Ambulance fund-raising activity or a garden fête for the church roof repair fund , he might find that a worthwhile thing to do .
30 If Mr Kinnock found himself head of a minority government and decided to ‘ soldier on ’ he might find that Sir Richard Attenborough , that grand old trouper in ‘ Luvvies for Labour ’ , could turn out to be an embarrassment .
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