Example sentences of "[modal v] say of " in BNC.

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1 However they may express his uniqueness , they must say of Jesus of Nazareth that there was a revelation of God through him in a way in which this is not true of you or me .
2 I liked York very much , because it was set round a lake and it was the first one I went to , but I must say of the other modern universities that I know I would say that Sussex was erm was the other best one that I 've been to and the one that I felt most comfortable and happy .
3 Oh , I should say of the four science schools on average we 've got maybe thirty or forty titles from each , so that 's about well certainly well over a hundred titles altogether .
4 There may well be a modest marble tombstone for Mr Dowd somewhere in Saratoga Springs ; but each time the television continuity announcer advertises a forthcoming programme as showing at ‘ 9 pm Eastern , 8 Central and Mountain ’ then one might say of the late Professor , si monumentum requiris , circumspice .
5 While at the same time we might say of all of us that God in Christ took on a humanity which , with him , we share .
6 We are in the age of the monopolies , one might say of the empires .
7 Moreover , it is one of the founding presuppositions of sociology , one might say of social science more generally , that individuals are related to each other rather than isolated .
8 His was , in many ways , an inauspicious start to life : an 18th-century guide book could say of Frome :
9 His enemies said that he was a politician without a cause , but if that was the worst they could say of him then he could indeed look towards the White House .
10 A clear pattern was emerging and in 1930 Daugherty could say of RKO 's Framed that it offered ‘ cafes and apartments after the presently accepted modern mode ’ and ‘ police autos whining down crowded boulevards , whoopee scenes , police stuff at headquarters , third degree etc. , raids and shooting in equal number and of an equal excellence to many already exhibited ’ .
11 Perhaps you would agree that one could say of him , that through commentaries and writing … your hand/Reshaped the history of the bat and ball .
12 ‘ He asked me what I could say of you , Callanish , and I waited for your signal knowing that when he was wiser and ready I could tell him . ’
13 ‘ Poor exploited things , ’ she 'd say of the couples who entered , hand in hand , full of pleasurable anticipation .
14 Now only three or four years later I 'd say of yeah we 're go to somewhere a bit quieter , so that kids can go to bed of a night time , we could have a apartment .
15 the only battleship I know about is the girl friend go away for about three months at a time and you 'd say of where 's Norman , oh he 's er working and then we all knew he 's working for a he 'd put them in the computer systems right the way throughout the ships
16 And er he he always used to say of me , he say , Well you know er he was on the Executive , he said of the Trades Council .
17 There is , as an elderly and respected aunt used to say of people about whom she had reservations , ‘ a want there somewhere ’ .
18 ‘ These people were glad I was there , ’ North would say of his time in Vietnam , in sharp contradistinction to the way most Americans seemed to feel about it .
19 Other such terms , for example free , as in ‘ then we were free ’ , certainly had reference to the past , but carried direct contemporary reference : a man would say of another , ‘ he is a free man ’ , and mean that he took no orders from a superior ; and a man ( asked about his own occupation ) might say with some pride that he was a ‘ free Zuwayi ’ ( zuwayi hurr ) , and imply his condition was closer to the old days than that of most of those he saw around him .
20 But the ground of the complaint would not be that the giraffe 's right to self determination was being thwarted , as we would say of a human being in a cage , but the general distaste at the conviction that the animal must be suffering severe discomfort .
21 But , it is said , we would say of the bar 's coming out that it was an effect , and in particular the effect of putting in the coin .
22 ‘ She 's not a vision of loveliness today , is she ? ’ she would say of some man , in a deafening aside .
23 Mama would say of those evenings , ‘ Something I have to do , for your Papa .
24 I would say of the three brothers , I was the one that was least interested in engineering .
25 ‘ He was no farmer , ’ he would say of Alexander .
26 And what on earth Papa would say of that banal piece of wisdom she could not imagine — and why was Papa , whom she had parted from in a high old anger , so much in her thoughts these days ?
27 But a lot of people would say of course that it is of such importance , that we really ought to be up to date with exactly what 's going on , after all this is happening on our behalf .
28 What history will say of his tenure of office is that he had very difficult decisions to make in awkward circumstances and while England 's international team suffered an unimaginable decline most of the 17 first-class counties , his prime concern , flourished more than might have been expected .
29 When I am dead my greatest wish is that people will say of my work , no one saw in that way before .
30 When I am dead my greatest wish is that people will say of my work , no one saw in that way before .
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