Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] part " in BNC.

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1 I did not believe a newspaper should be part of the apparatus of the state ; we are not a totalitarian society .
2 The amount of chromium and nickel added is indicated with a number , which should be part of the description of cutlery in any sales literature .
3 The impetus fur any step , pose or gesture should be part of the overall rhythm of the ballet .
4 The struggle to recover the sense of relation to nature and to God , the recognition that even the most primitive feelings should be part of our heritage , seems to me to be the explanation and justification of the life of
5 German reunification should be part of a wider process of bringing a new peace order in Europe .
6 Integral drainers , also of stainless steel , should be part of any sink installation .
7 Better known since cheap domestic models became available these are valuable and indispensable tools that should be part of every food operation .
8 Clearly , removal of the old laws should be part and parcel of reform .
9 No one doubted that some form of physical education should be part of the programme ; nor was there any dissent from the view that girls were to be taught domestic economy and similar subjects in addition to trade and academic courses ; and , thirdly , the terms ‘ vocational ’ and ‘ liberal ’ should be generously interpreted , rather than be seen as mutually exclusive .
10 This should be part of the resident 's care plan .
11 The clinical teacher should be part of the ward team , but must resist becoming an extra pair of hands .
12 The fault 's western side is moving inexorably northward at a rate of five cm a year and should be part of Alaska in about 50 million years .
13 Each of these expressions of love should be part of every marriage .
14 Everything you do when you live alone should be part of a plan to ward off depression .
15 The window and the table/standard lamp behind you should be part of your furnishing scheme .
16 I could n't square what I was doing with the view of the world I have tried to transmit to my pubescent son : sex is a wonderful thing but it should be part of a loving relationship .
17 The results of assessment should be part of a continuing process of recording a pupil 's stages of language development , and this record should be available to all his or her teachers .
18 Furthermore , it has yet to be decided whether or not Japanese cars produced in Britain should be part of an overall fixed limit .
19 ‘ The precept of dying should be part of the studies of those that live in health ; all that a sick or dying man can do is but to exercise those virtues which he before acquired . ’
20 One may question whether drawing attention to such matters should be part of a teacher 's role , but spectacles can be essential for some pupils who will not be able to use learning materials properly without them .
21 These different people 's mental states are caused by the same body , so on the theory in question should be part of the same self .
22 A careful monitoring of clients ' background characteristics , experiences and longer-term situations is possible and should be part of every professional 's brief .
23 Not all Chinese believe that education should be part of the market economy .
24 Those are names it would be a pleasure to bear and that are good to hear : a minute or two spent saying them out loud should be part of any visit to the church of Itxassou .
25 ‘ Because this is something we are still thinking about , the extent to which it should be part of the story . ’
26 The list of data and converted units and the list of required answers should be part of your exposition to the examiner .
27 For example the land at Skelton Hall could be regarded as open land but no one is suggesting that that should be part of the greenbelt .
28 This guiding principle of participant observation — that the observer should be part of the setting which he or she is studying — was followed as closely as possible in the other communities .
29 The main difference between the design of Labov 's neighbourhood studies and the Belfast community studies is probably the extent to which they have endeavoured to adopt the major principle of this method — that the observer should be part of the setting being studied .
30 It was suggested that " such units should be part of the psychiatric service and would compare with continuing care units ' of the geriatric service . "
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