Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] like " in BNC.

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1 I 'm very worried that my mouth may remain like this and feel something must have gone wrong when the tooth was removed .
2 It rarely speaks , though if frightened it may bleat like a goat .
3 Suppressing emotions Rather than letting the emotional blockages out , the person demands logic , rationality ( ‘ Let's not get emotional' or ‘ Please , let's act like adults ’ ) .
4 Make sure that you ask about any residents who may behave like that .
5 Daddy may act like that — none of us are all that good — but he never means it .
6 But although a woman psychologist may act like one of the boys , her sex never becomes irrelevant to her work .
7 Please ask his advice and then go and get your books , and let's behave like a normal family .
8 This is sometimes described in the catch phrase that we must treat like cases alike .
9 This particular demand of political morality is not in fact well described in the catch phrase that we must treat like cases alike .
10 It must remain like that . ’
11 Scattered and divided , we must act like all true liberation armies .
12 ‘ Well ’ Peggy drained her glass before walking to the table and placing it in the tray , and her back to her mother , she , said , ‘ When one is an executive one must act like an executive , must n't one ? ’
13 If the covert researcher is not to arouse suspicion , then he or she must behave like a believer , not stepping out of line by questioning or exhibiting too much curiosity about the functioning of the organisation .
14 If you wish to be regarded as a proper model , you must behave like one .
15 ANIMALS in dispute over some valuable resource , like food or mates , should behave like rational humans playing games , John Maynard smith of the University of Sussex first suggested in the early 1970s .
16 This does not mean you should behave like an automaton .
17 If I should behave like that , however neurotic and intolerant it may seem , there is nonetheless a consistency and logic to my behaviour .
18 Western diplomats wonder why Mr Suharto , a man who has near royal status in Indonesia , should behave like an everyday politician who likes to see his name in print .
19 I do n't understand why the council should act like this .
20 Amiss wondered vaguely why ffeatherstonehaugh 's head waiter should speak like a prep-school master of the 1950s .
21 The garden for them should feel like an extra sitting room , gnat-ridden perhaps , damp occasionally , but an important overflow of living space .
22 Or , apropos of the necessity of having a good historical imagination when reading , ‘ I had much rather know what I should feel like if I adopted the beliefs of Lucretius than how Lucretius would have felt if he had never entertained them . ’
23 It should feel like an event . ’
24 ‘ I called him in , expressed my gratitude at his willingness to hold the fort in the boarding annexe , and then … offered him a sherry , if he should feel like it , later on . ’
25 ‘ It 's wonderful that you should feel like this about Olly .
26 When Madame Denis asked him why he went to such lengths , he answered , ‘ Esther , one should do like the good God ; from time to time one should go and live among His own . ’
27 Away from her , he must feel like a boy let out of school .
28 Can you imagine what it must feel like to our Stella ? ’ p
29 It is a sad sight for not only is it a famous Belfast landmark but to anyone who has spent an enjoyable evening there taking in anything from a popular musical to a classic play it must feel like a personal loss .
30 This comparison may form the crucial part of a description ; later on , using comparison as a criterion , that a portrait should look like the sitter , that landscape should look natural , and the objects in a still life should be identifiable , a critic can use it as part of an evaluation .
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